Quiz 1 Flashcards
Craniomandibular apparatus
The cranai-mandibular complex including the artiulation of the teeth and the surrounding structures. Liming movement.
Temporal bone
a portion of the bone that forms the glenoid or mandibular fossa. The shape of the fossa limits mandibular movement.
the portion of the mandible that articulates the mandibular fossa. There is a left and right condlye. The shape of the condlye limit the movement of the mandibular movement. The mandubile is the only place in the human body that posses 2 axis of rotation
Function of the ligaments(5 things)
Limit mandibular movement, protect the muscles form extreme movement, non-elastic, non-contractile, no innervations
limits excressive protrusive movement on the mandible
limits protrusive and lateral movement (from either left or right) of the mandilbe
what bone in the body has 2 axis of rotation?
Limitation of movement with temporomandibular ligament (2)
- The position of the temporomandibular ligament is designed to limit the pure hinge axis rotation movement of the mandible.
- The full length of the TM ligament occurs no more than 15-20mm of opening as measured btwn the incisal ridge of the maxillary and mandibular incisor.
Temporomandibular or articular disc (7)
Fibrous CT, Interface btwn the temporal and the mandible, Pliable texture, Biconcave in shape, Collateral ligament attached it to the chondyle in a medial and lateral position, not innervated, not vasculatar
Maximum intercuspation (TOOTH) (5)
Also known as centric occlusion, which is now obsolete
commonly referred to as habitual cencentic or habitural occlusion because that patient can achieve this position be habit
Maximum intercuspation describes an occlusal relationship or tooth position
The teeth are contacting in a position that the patient finds comfortable
It is easily achievable but not easily reproducable
Slide from centric relation to maximum intercuspation (4)
look at slide
Canine protected articulation
Implies that only carnines are involved lateral movements
-ideal occlusal scheme
group function occlusion entails
the posterior and some anterior teeth are in some contact during the complete extent of lateral movement
- considered the secondary occlusal scheme or the most practical approach
older patients commonly exhibit?
group function occlusion
Ideal (no slide) occlusion (6)
Centric relation and maximun intercuspation occur simulaneously
all teeth contract simultanously
all occlusal forces on posterior teeth are directed do the long axis of the teeth
Posteror teeth contacts dominate over anterior tooth contacts
no eccentric movement are guided by the anterior teeth
no crossover contacts posterior teeth should be seen