Quiz 1 Flashcards
What are the function of amniotic fluid?
- It helps maintain constant body temperature 2. it serves as a source of oral fluid and a repository for ways and assists and maintenance of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis
- it allows freedom of movement first musculoskeletal development
- it cushions the fetus from trauma by blunting and disbursing outside forces
- It acts as a barrier to infection and allows fetal lung development
Development of the embryo
The stage of the embryo last from Day 15 until approximately eight weeks after conception, when the embryo measures 3 cm from Crown to room. This embryonic stage is the most critical time in the development of the organ systems and mean external features.
What does the volume of amniotic fluid tell you?
The volume of amniotic fluid is an important factor in assessing fetal well-being. Having less than 300 mL of amniotic fluid (Oligohydraminos) is associated with fetal renal abnormalities. Having more than 2 L of amniotic fluid ( Hydramnios) is associated with gastrointestinal and other malformations
What is in amniotic fluid?
Amniotic fluid contains albumin, urea, uric acid, creatine, lecithin, sphingomyelin, Bilirubin fructose, fat, leukocytes, proteins, epithelial cells, enzymes, and lanugo hair
The umbilical cord
Two arteries carry blood from the embryo to the chronic villi, and one returns blood to the embryo. At term, the cord is 2 cm in diameter and ranges from 30 to 90 cm long with an average length of 55 cm. It twists spirally on itself and loops around the embryo and fetus
True or false
When the cord is wrapped around the fetal neck it is called a nuchal cord
The structure of the placenta
The maternal placenta embryonic circulation is in place by day 17, when the embryonic heart starts beating. By the end of the third week, embryonic blood is circulating between the embryo and chronic villi. The placenta functions as a means of metabolic exchange
Functions of the placenta
One of the early functions of the placenta is an endocrine gland that produces hormones necessary to maintain the pregnancy and support the embryo and fetus. These hormones are produced in the Syncytium. The placenta eventually produces more of the steroid hormone progesterone thing to corpus luteum does during the first few months of pregnancy. By seven weeks after fertilization the placentas producing most of the maternal estrogens, which are steroid hormones. The major estrogen secreted by the placenta is estriol, whereas the ovaries produce mostly estradiol. Estriol levels may be measured to determine placental functioning. Estrogen stimulates uterine growth and interpolate tall blood flow
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Them protein hormone hCG can be detected in the maternal serum by 8 to 10 days after conception, shortly after implantation. The amount of hCG reaches its maximum level at 50 to 70 days and then begins to decrease.
Human chorionic somatomammotropin
The other protein hormone produced by the placenta is HCS formally known as human placental lactogen. The substance is similar to growth hormone and stimulates the maternal metabolism to supply nutrients needed for fetal growth. This hormone increases the resistance to insulin, facilitates glucose transport across the placental membrane, and stimulates breast about meant to prepare for lactation
What are the metabolic functions of the placenta?
Respiration, nutrition, excretion, and storage
How long does the stage of the fetus last?
The stage of the fetus last from nine weeks until the pregnancy ends