Quiz 1,2,3, Flashcards
What are threats to case formulation
- self serving attributional bias: people make more internal, personal attributions for positive events in life then they do for negative events (I got an A becase Im so good, I got a D because my teacher sucks)
- inferring causation from correlation
- retrospective recall: using data that rely on people to remember events that happened to them; good to be sceptical
- availability heuristic: making a decision based on easily recalled info, using only easily recalled examples (such as last person assessed w similar symptoms)
what are protective factors
- characteristics that make a person less vulnerable to the development of disorder
- supportive, caring parents
- requeired responsibility and helpfulness
- adequate housing
How to improve accuracy of clinical judgements with case formulation
- use psychological tests that are directly relevat to the assessment task that have strong psychometric properites
- used established diagnostic criteria when making diagnostic decisions
- be aware of relevant research in psychological assessment, psychopathology and prevention/intervention
- be aware of personal biases and preconceptions
- don’t rely on memory
what is universal prevention intervention
- applied to entire population
- things like ad campaigns desinged to reduce undesirable activities: like drinking and driving
- they can also promote healthy activities
- remind public to wash hands during flu season
what is selective prevention intervention
- targets people who are at elevated risk for developing a particular disorder or problem
- ex; during an outbreak of a contagious disorder, selective prevention programs might reuqire people entering hospitals to wear masks
what is indicated prevention intervention
- targets people who don’t meet criteria for disorder but may have elavated risk and may show detectable but subclincal signs of disorder
- those who have come in contact with a confirmed case of disorder may be targeted for indicative preventative interventions requiring a period of quarantine
what is case formulation
- refers to the task of both describing the patient in their life context and developing a set of hypothesis that put together a comprehensive clinical picture that psych can make decisions about treatment options
- making a case, treatment, history, hypothesis, what is going on/needed
- case formulation is useful when patient has lots of complex clincial problems - allows psych to make more informed decisions about timing, sequence and duration and specific focus of interventions
what are risk factors
- characteristics of the individual or environment that make a person more vulnerable to the development of problem or disorder
- peer rejection
- abuse
Personality Culturalluy appropriate measures bias 1 - test content
- test content may not be equally applicable across cultures
culturally appropriate personality measures bias 2 - vadility coefficients
- pattern of validity coefficients may not be similar across grouos
culturally appropriate personality measures bias 3 - cut off scores
- the use of a cut off score on a scale to classify indiduvals may not be equally accurate across cultures
culturally appropriate personality measures bias 4 - factor analysis
- bias occur woth respect to the tests underlying structure - factor analysis to explore new components of the construct relate to eachother
6 benefits of case formulation
1) way of understanding connections btwn patients various problems
2) guidance for type of treatements to consider
3) predicts future functioning if treatment is not saught and how functioning will differ if treatment is successful
4) provides options to consider if difficulties are encountered in implementing and following through on treatment
5) indicate options outsie of psych services for patient to consider
6) provides alternative treatment options to consider if initial treatment is unsuccessful
what is narcissistic vulnerability
- disappointed entitled expectations and self enhancements failures trigger significsnt self and emotional dysregulation
narc vulnerability
contingent self esteem (CSE)
- self esteem and experienced as fluctuation
- self and emotional dysregulation arise in the absence of external sourcs of admiration and regocnition
narc vulnerability
hiding the self (HS)
- dependency feels weak and shameful,
- conceals needs and concerns from others
- disclosure of imperfections evokes anxiety
narc vulnerability
dev others- disintrest/avoidance of others who do not provide needed admiration or who cause disappointment
dev self- shame over needing recognition from others at all
narc vulnerability
entiitlement rage
- becomes angry when entitiled expectations of self and others are not met
narcissistic grandiosity
engages in maladaptive and compensatory self enhancement strategies and holds self serving beliefs
narc grandiosity
is manipulative and self centered in interpersonal relationships
narc grandioisty
grandiose fantasy
- is preoccupied with being powerful or achieving great thing.
- frequently engages in compensatory fantasies of receiving desired respect, admiration and recognition from others
narc grandiosity
self-sacrificing self-enhancement (SSSE)
- uses pruportedly altrusitic acts to support an inflated sense of self
- provides insturmental or emotional support to others, but concurrently harbors cotempt for those being helped and secertly experiences the relationship as reflecting their own specialness, superiority and moral goodness