Quiz 1 Flashcards
What controls Net evaporation
Vapour pressure deficit
Availability of water
Available energy
What is a evaporation pan
A device that measures how much water evaporates inte the atmosphere.
Pro: small + doesn’t take over land
Cons subject to edge effect. Not representative of natural landscapes, can absorb too much radiation (its a metal container)
What is a lysimeter
A device that uses vegetation condition to measure all components of water balance except evaporation
Pros: better representation of the interest surface
Cons needs accurate measurement of the s water terms ( errors can accumulate), complicated set up
Measures the atmospheric potential to remove water vapour from the surface.by measuring various elements in the bandary layer
When the net Evap rate = net cond rate
Both are in equip
Explain net Evap
Common in warmer temps.- where the liquid water has greater kinetic energy and a greater amount of Vapor is produced than liquid via condensation
Different expressions of humidity
Specific humidity
relative humidity
Vapor pressure
Mixing ratio
Pew point temp
Vapour pressure deficit
Dew pt depression
Which sat vapour pressure is higher? Aver water or over ice?
Over waterthis is bc over ice re air temp is cooler and water males are trapped in a solid structure meaning less water Vapor is in the air.
Bailing vis evaporation
E. Transformation of water males into gas @ the surface e any temp.
B: liquid into Vapor through entire water colum which is at a specific temp.
Boiling point temp
Saturation Vapor pressure = atmospheric pressure.
Where is the bailing temp lowest?
At high elevations BC is the pressure is lower
Vapour pressure
Partial pressure exerted by water in the atmosphere
Pa or Kia
Abs humidity
Mass of water in a volume of air
Kg m-3
Mixing ratio
Ratio of water- Vapor mass to mass of dry air
G kg -1
Mixing ratio
Ratio of water- Vapor mass to mass of dry air
G kg -1
Specific humidity
Ratio of mass of Vapor to total mass of air(dry and water Vapor)
G kg-1
Vapor pressure deficit
The difference between actual saturation pressure and actual Vapor pressure