Quiz 1 Flashcards
The study of the patterns of sounds in a language.
The study of the forms of words.
The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences.
The meaning and interpretation of words and sentence structure.
Study of the distinctive styles of language found in literary genres.
Upholding the rules related to speaking and writing a language.
Gramática prescriptiva
How speakers and writers actually us the language, not on how they should use it.
Gramática descriptiva
The state or quality of being well formed; correctness. Based on syntax and morphology.
Unit of sound in a language that distinguish one word from another.
A meaningful unit of a language that cannot be further divided.
A unit of syntax with meaning.
Unit of syntactic function. A word or sequence of words that have a function.
A group of words that has significant meaning.
The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a verse.
Occurrence of the same letter or sound within a group of words.
Repetition of the vowel sound from the last stressed syllable of a verse.
Rima asonante
Repetition of the vowel and consonant sounds from the last stressed syllable of the verse.
Rima consonante
Repetition of a root word with different inflections.
Inversion of the normal order of words. (This I must see.)
Repetition of a grammatical form/structure in a setence.
When two words on the first part of a verse are criss-crossed in the second part. (All for one, and one for all.)
Words or phrases used to compare two unlike things that highlight one shared quality. (She’s a real firecracker.)
Comparison of two things using the words “like” or “as”. (As sweet as honey.)
Exaggerated expression.
Contrasting two opposing ideas. (To be or not to be.)
The use of one sensory image to describe another. (Can you hear the colors?)
Assigning a human attribute to non-human things. (The flowers were begging for water.)
“Please pass me the salt.” We don’t pass individual grains of salt. You pass a container with salt in it.
Sentence structure when the subject is the doer of the verbal action.
Voz activa
Sentence structure when the subject is the receiver of the verbal action.
Voz pasiva
A noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.
Objeto directo
To whom or for whom the action of the verb is performed.
Objeto indirecto
A sentence element that’s introduced by a preposition and is required for the verb to make sense.
Complemento de Régimen Preposicional
Appears only in passive voice and denotes the agent or the person or thing that performs the action of the verb.
Complemento Agente
The circumstance in which the verbal action occurs.
Complemento Circunstantial
An adjectival phrase that serves as a compliment to the subject and verb. If it is removed, the sentence is still grammatically correct.
Complemento Predictivo
A phrase that forms the predicate and cannot be avoided. If it is deleted, there is no sentence.
Type of verb that requires a direct object to complete the action of a verb.
Verbo Transitivo
Type of verb that involves a sibject performing the action without a direct object.
Verbo Intransitivo
Type of verb where the subject is actively engaged in the action. No direct object affected by the action.
Verbo inergativo
Type of verb where the subject does not actively initiate the action but is affected by it.
Verbo inacusativo