QUIZ 1 Flashcards
What is verismo
centered around realism. Began in Milan, but most authors are from the south. Influenced by English/Russian Realsim and french naturalism. Want to cover subject matter truthfully. Persent faithful picture of society. Center common people and common activities. Little faith in socialism. Family values and traditions important for the weak. Verga
- 1861 Unification of Italy. Connected with Romantic literature in values and themes. Patriotic historical of people. New geners: novel, historical drama, patriotic, peotry, memoir, historical ballads
Motives: denounce oppression, seek liberty, mourn fallen hopes, express nostalgia for homeland, memory of those suffering cuz of politics. An ideological and literary move helped arouse the national consciousness of Italin people. Began post 1830s as the movement of italin unification
Revolutions of 1848-49
- “Springtime of peoples” across Europe
- Carbonari in Tuscany, a revolutionary group
- Italins embrace priniciples of liberalism and nationalism
Italy’s Founding Fathers
Manzzi (theories)
Garbaldi (fighter)
Cavour (Stradegy)
Strict rigid and logical diction and themes. embracing greek and rome classicism
the nucleus of the Italin nationn was the small kingdom of _____, but the movement toward independence centered in _____
Facts about romanticism
- aspects of political risorgimento
- altrustic and patriotic
- influenced by german goethe
which european country birthed romanticism?
Italy’s first capital
- wrote Divine comedy
Devine comedy - follows a man as he vists Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise
- horrors of soul go through if they did not obey God’s laws and live righteously
Was born in Genova. Politics and literature. Spearheaded Italin revolutionary movement. Wrote “An Essay on the Duties of Man”. Believed that a country is useful for: faith, protection, emancipation from unjest social conditions, justice, laws, equality, collective existence, honor, love, and one lanuage. Wanted a national goverenment in rome. Consititutional republic, federal government. A temple of God. Main pillars: vote, education, work
- penned the Italin National anthem
- used simple musical lanuage
- wrote active poetry that interprets the spirit of people
- collective patrimony of emotions
- heroic sentiments and sincere emotions
Wrote: Brothers of Italy 1847
- under french rule: offical historiographer of Italy
- wrote epic poems and tragedias
- Translated the Illiad
-Major exponent of pre-romantics
-known as the great translater of Homer - classical embellismentes
- main exponent of pre-romantics
Wrote “property 1880”. Was a sicillan novelist and playwright. used everyday lanuage and oral traditions. Believed: Riches don’t help to improve society. Bourgerious is unfulflled. Had two phases:
[1] high society: denouncing defects of contemporary society, espesscially of higher classes [2] characters who fight difficult battles of survival w/ strength and family values. Was a realist. Sicily was one of the poorest places in Europe. Like Manzoni. Believe that the weak should hold family values. Talked about social issues.
Born in Milano and was the grandson of Beccaria. Shaped by enlightenment ideals. Inni Sacri (on Catholic morality). One of the 1st Senators of Kindom of Italy. Wrote the Bethroed, based in 17th century Italy which he portrayed as lawless. Centered ordinary peoples. Showed tensions b/w religious traditions and secular progress. Against foreign rule. Patriotic Divine providence. Written for average italins.
lived a brief boring life. Was very educated. His first pieces were patriotic. Sick and missing romance. Wrote homages to nature. Explored personal feelings. Wrote: The Village Saturday Night, Night Song, To Sylvia, To Italy
- Idillo (vignette of life in country)
Was a main pre-romantic. Wrote poems, sadness, regret, mother –> nature, classicism calling back to epics. Revolutionary. Studied classics, was politcal. Represented the youth during Napolean period. Man of action. Wrote the first epistolary Italin novel. Wrote: A Zacinto, To the Night, In Death of Brother Giovanni, Alla Must
Made romantic explorations of nature, terror, death, rest , beauty. Had nosalgia for homeland. Individual vs society. A Sentimental Journey.
- pre-enlightenment
- pre-cuser to Newton
Born in Pisa 1564 the same year as Shakespear. Wrote “The Second Day” or Two New Sciences. Wanted to convince scientific community/church, convince foregin nations that Italy deserves indepence. The characters represented different groups of peoples/sciences groups views. Authoraterian vs. authortive discussions. Believed in freedom of thought and education. Followed reason, common good, created scientific method and empiricism
Was born in 1738 in Milano (which was a hub of the Enlightenment). Was a lawyer, academy of fits,criminal justice
Plea for abolition of tortue and death penalty. Excerpts from An Essay on Crimes and Punishments: change does not come easily, human nature, pleasures and pain only motives people have, refrences to sicence, enlightenment, social contracts, believed that laws should achieve the greatest happiness for greatest number of people. Exploring why we punish and how.