Quiz 1 Flashcards
Definition of meeting
a gathering for business, educational, or social purposes
Definition of Convention/conference
a gathering of many people to confer about an idea or topic (conferences are typically smaller than conventions)
Definition of roundtables
small, interactive sessions designed to cover specific topics of interest
- 8-12 attendees around a large table
Definition of direct economic impact
an economic/financial impact directly related to the local economy
Definition of RFP (and its purpose)
Request for Proposal:
A document that stipulates what services the organization wants from an outside contractor and requests a bid to perform such service
- example) Destination management, Contractors, Transportation
Definition of an event
a one-time or infrequently occurring activity or program outside the normal activities or programs
Definition of Keynote address/speech
Session that opens or highlights the show, meeting, or event that is typically done by the spokesperson
Definition of poster sessions
more intimate presentation method often used with academic or medical conferences. - panels or display boards are provided for presenters to display charts, photographs, a synopsis of their research, and so on for viewing
Definition of Indirect Economic Impact
a financial/economic impact involved with an increases in sales, income, and jobs associated with companies that benefit from SXSW expenditures)
Definition of ESG (and its purpose)
Event Specification Guide:
a comprehensive document that outlines the complete requirements and instructions for an event. This document is typically written by the event planner and is shared with all appropriate vendors to communicate
- example) function schedule and function set up needs
Definition of Exhibition/Trade Show
- Event at which products and services are displayed
- the primary activity of attendees is visiting exhibits on the show floor
- focus primarily on business-to-business (B2B) relationships.
Definition of break-out sessions
a short meeting where a group of participants from a larger meeting break away from the larger group to discuss something
- usually a topic to later discuss with the larger group (like zoom classes)
Definition of Induced Economic Impact
an economic/financial impact of spending by individuals as a result of increased earnings as a result of the conference
What are the three main industries that host MEECS?
1) Corporations
2) Associations
3) Gov. Agencies
Characteristics of Corporations
- For-profit, chartered organizations; make a profit
- for owners & shareholders