Quiz 1 Flashcards
What links people together (timing, circumstance, etc)
understand cultural component of question
Types of Research: basic
not sure what we’ll find
our own knowledge/POV that effects an experiment
formal or among common thinkning in literature
how we’re getting data (sampling, collection, inviting methods)
Triangle between theory, methods, epistemology what does it mean
how they relate and effect one another
Sampling for qualitative research
random vs purposeful: purposeful
Purposeful Sampling: typical
Typical: average specimens in our defined categories (make sure reqs are relevant /matter)
Purposeful sampling: Unique
Outside of our categories, provide a unique perspective, but possible to access easily.
Purposeful sampling: maximum variation
seeking out variation of different types while sampling to get the most diverse collection of data
purposeful sampling: convenience
easiest to access, live near, only ok to use if you have a good reason for it
Purposeful sampling: snow ball
unique but the group is difficult to access, need to find an in for referrals to be able to continue
topic and objective role in the experiment/research
feasibility why does it matter