quiz 1 Flashcards
Identify ways a veterinarian might evaluate a herd differently than an individual animal
Group: pen riding, walk through, respiratory disease scoring system, evaluate diet, locomotion scoring system, fecal scoring system
- evaluated in their environment
- vet goes to them
Individual: PE, TPR, evaluate diet, evaluate nails/hooves, evaluate urine/feces
List ways a producer can promote herd health
- have a strong relationship w/ the vet (prior to when you actually need them)
- develop a herd plan
- utilize vaccination programs
- provide high quality nutrition
- know their animals & evaluate daily
- be able to recognize when something is off in the animal
- pursue diagnostics to make sure it’s not something that can impact the entire pop
- treat illnesses appropriately
- biosecurity
- maintain records
- animal ID
Name records that are beneficial to the veterinarian and producer
breeding records
- type of breeding, return to estrus, breeding date
birthing records
- # born, ease of delivery, vigor
weight records
- birth, weaning, yearling, market, breeding
Identify how records can be used by a veterinarian
can be used to identify changes both pos & neg
- changes in feed consumption, milk production, respiratory scoring
- pos changes show increased performance & more money
- neg changes need to be followed & a root cause determined; results in performance loss, disease, & financial loss
Discuss the objectives of herd health
- elevate: care, well-being, performance, management
- minimize: disease (subclinical), productivity losses
Compare the differences between proactive vs. reactive strategies in relation to herd health and individual medicine
proactive: preventative measures; vaccinations, environment, health, biosecurity
reactive: react to the disease, antibiotics, treatment of symptoms (fluid therapy, restoration of electrolytes), depopulation
Describe the aims of veterinary surveillance
maintenance of high standards of animal health & welfare & protect public health
Discuss differences of antigen versus antibody surveillance
antigen: if there’s a high amount of antigens in the serum, it can be indicator of infection
antibody: high antibody conc in serum can indicate pre-exposure, vaccinated, recent exposure
Recognize management practices of principles of control of infectious disease. Define
prevention, control and eradication
- prevention
- excluding clinical disease or infection from an unaffected pop
- protecting a pop from clinical disease in an infected area by vaccination or other means - control
- efforts directed to reducing the freq of existing disease to biologically and/or economically justifiable levels - eradication
- eliminating a specific pathogens & therefore disease from a herd or defined area
Define chemotherapy
treating a disease using chemical substances
Recognize different treatment modalities and discuss why one route of administration may be chosen over another (e.g. in water, drench, topical, injection, feed)
population size
amount of time it takes
condition or ability of the animals like unwilling to eat or drink
explain the principles of eradication
complete elimination of the causative agent
- usually by treatment or removal & disposal of the infected animal(s) from the herd
- no additional cases can occur unless externally introduced
- specific immunization or treatment are no longer needed
what’s infectious disease control
inability to eradicate many infectious disease completely results in control or living with the disease
reduce both prevalence of existing infections & the incidence of new infections
effectively reducing the morbidity & mortality rates for clinical disease
what are the principles of control
- reduce infection pressure & prevent new infections
- reduce risk factors that may increase susceptibility (ex: breeding)
- using chemotherapeutics & cull infected animals that don’t respond to reduce prevalence
- vaccinations
- monitoring the herd
- use genetic selection for resistance to disease
describe biosecurity
procedures used to protect humans & animals against harmful pathogens
- quarantining incoming animals
- cleaning & disinfecting
- sole sourcing
- shower in & out
- all-in all-out
define all-in all-out
completely emptying the animals out of a room or building, and then cleaning & disinfecting before introducing a new batch of animals
- keeps animals in groups
- reduces disease transmission
- improves management
describe sentinel surveillance, sentinel health events, & serological surveillance
something that acts as an indicator for an infectious agent
sentinel health events: occurrence of clinical disease or mortality in a healthy animal placed in area to determine if an infectious agent is present
serological surveillance: ID of patterns of current & past infections using serology tests
recall how milk is sold off of farms (what unit?)
100 lbs = 1 unit
recall what portion of the proceeds from a gallon of milk belongs to the farmer
very little or they’re actually losing money
list specific things veterinarians do on dairy farms to help accomplish the two overarching goals of a dairy practitioner
See individual animals like most veterinarians
- Pregnancy diagnosis
- Sick animal care (diagnosis and treatment)
- surgical procedures
Work on herd health and performance
recall the most common surgery performed by most dairy veterinarians
Recall what country is No. 1 in pork production
Identify where the U.S. ranks in world pork production
Recognize major factors that impact swine health and productivity
Farm management
Disease prevention
Nutrition: 50-75% of cost production is related to nutrition.
Environment: temperature (hot, don’t eat as well, don’t breed as well), ventilation, sanitation
Define and compare/contrast continuous-flow production system vs. all-in-all-out production system
Continuous-flow: pigs move as individuals, not as closely matched age groups. Never totally emptied facility because they are constantly moving through it.
AIAO: keeps pigs together in groups. Never mix with different groups.
describe farrow to finish
sows breed, conceive, gestate, & farrow at a central site
weaned pigs are fed to market weight and sold for slaughter
ownership of pigs is maintained by the producer until delivery to slaughter facility/packer
describe farrow to wean
sows breed, conceive, gestate, & farrow at a central site
at weaning, pigs are sold or raised at a site separate from the sow farm
sows return to the breeding facility or are culled
describe wean to finish
pigs acquired at weaning, approx 3 weeks of age
fed to market weight & slaughtered
pigs maintained in the same facility from 3 weeks of age to 26 weeks of age
what are genetic suppliers
corporate farms/facilities that supply breeding stock and semen to commercial farms