Quiz 1 Flashcards
What are the three main purposes of an operating system?
1 Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier
2 Make the computer system convenient to use
3 Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner
What is the 4 components of a Computer System’s Structure?
Hardware, Operating System, Application Programs, Users
What are some Roles of the OS?
Referee-Allocates resources, Isolates users and apps, communicates between users and apps
Illusionist-Each app seems to have the entire machine to itself
What are the main services that the OS provides?
Program execution, I/O operations, File Systems, Communication, Resource Allocation, Accounting, Error Detection, Protection and Security
What are the different types of User Interfaces an OS would have to deal with?
GUI, Touch Screen, Command Line
What does the Command Line Interpreter do?
Takes in direct key inputs from keyboard and displaces results in a terminal or shell.
What does a GUI do?
Its a user friendly desktop interface. Modern computer types
What are system calls?
Programming interfaces to the services provided by the OS.
How are system calls typically implemented?
Through a table which has each call indexed by number.
What are the 3 general methods to pass parameters to the OS?
1 Pass the parameters in registers.
2 Parameters stored in a block or table in memory, address of block passed as a parameter in a regiser
3 Parameters pushed onto the stack by the program and popped off by the OS
What are the types of system calls?
Process Control, File Management, Device Management, Information Maintenance(Date and Time), Communications, Protection
What are the services the system provides?
File manipulation, Status information, Programming language support, Program loading and execution, Communications, Background Services, Application Programs
What is the purpose of System Services?
Provide a convenient environment for program development and execution.
What is a shell?
A job control system
Allows the programmer to create and manage a set of programs to do some task.
What are the User goals of an OS?
The OS should be convenient to use easy to learn, reliable, safe and fast
What are the System goals of an OS?
Operating systems should be easy to design, implement and maintain as well as flexible, reliable, error-free and efficient
How are OS implements in the modern day?
Lowest levels in assembly, main body in C, various systems programs in C, C++ PERL and Python