Quiz 1 Flashcards
Freudian structure of the mind?
Unconscious, Preconscious, Conscious
main purpose of psychoanalysis?
make the unconscious conscious
ID is?
Primary process/ fulfillment of desires without rational thought
Ego is?
Rational thought/secondary process
Superego is?
Conscience + ego ideal
Oral Stage
0 to 1
1 to 3
3 to 6
6 to 12
Oedipus complex
3 to 5 romantic/sexual involvement with the parent of opposite sex. can show as rivalry towards same sex parent
Pushing painful memories or undesirable feelings out of conscious awareness
refusal to accept reality
Putting undesirable traits/feelings onto others
Reaction formation
Expressing the opposite
Shifting the blame
Explaining away or justifying
Return to earlier life stages
Focusing on intellectual components
Identifying with and taking on traits of somone
Channeling in productive activites
Talk Therapy
Psychoanalytic Therapy Technique
Psychoanalytic Therapy Technique
Psychoanalytic Therapy Technique
Dream Interpretation
Psychoanalytic Therapy Technique
Free Association
Psychoanalytic Therapy Technique
Carl Jung personality types
Introverted & Extroverted thinking, feeling, sensing and intution
Jung Archetype Self
regulates the psyche and facilitates the Individuation process
Jung Archetype Shadow
Part of us we rather not acknowledge; it is our darker nature. the same gender as the dreamer
Jung Archetype Anima
feminine image and attributes within the male
Jung Archetype Animus
masculine image and attributes within the female
Jung Archetype Persona
Mask: what we present to the world as being ourselves
Jungian division of the mind
Ego, personal unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness
Jungian Personal Unconsciousness
person’s feelings and experiences that can be accessed to the consciousness
Jungian Collective Unconsciousness
All the universal experiences of humankind transmitted to each person
Transference relationship
Client will project or transfer unconsciously onto the analyst some feelings/experiences
Countertransference relationship
Therapist projects own unresolved conflicts onto the client
Object Relations Key Concept
infants experience mother/caregiver in parts or partial objects
Self Representation
Newborn infants cannot differentiate between self and objects
Internalized Objects
child’s subjective internal mental images or representations of the mothers/caregiver
Infantile dependence stage
identifies as one with object/caregiver
Transitional stage
torn between infantile vs more realistic view of object
Mature relational stage
becomes differentiated from object resulting in a new relationship between two separate persons
Transitional object
object with sentimental value that can substitute for caretaker
Holding environment
The optimal environment under which good enough parenting occurs and provides developmentally appropriate care and protection to the child to grow in
Good enough parenting
parents only need to be sufficiently not perfectly attuned to child’s needs in order to provide a good foundation for growth
Attunement for good enough parenting was at 60-70% and is now
Ed Tronick found parent needs to be in sync 20-30%
True Self
good parenting allows the child to develop a differentiation of self
False Self
intrusive parenting has allowed the child to overly identify with mother/parent instead of exploring own indentity
John Bowlby viewed these years as the most influential
first three years
Secure Base
Attachment theory concept
Attachment Styles
Secure, Anxious insecure, Avoidant insecure, Disorganized insecure
Secure Attachment style
Needs met promptly and consistently, easily comforted
Anxious-Insecure Attachment style
Unsure if parents capable of meeting needs, sullen
Avoidant-insecure attachment style
Inconsistent parental needs met, angry/frustrated
Disorganized-insecure attachment style
bizarre disassociate-type behavior, result from trauma that is not a result from parenting
Individual Psychology
viewed person as an integrated whole
Adlerian emphasized the…
Importance of social relationships and society in the formation of a person
Alder proposed 3 life tasks
Work or occupation, social relationships, love & marriage
Adlerian Ruling type
aggressive, dominate, control, fears helplessness
Adlerian Getting type
passivity and going along, fear decision making
Adlerian avoiding type
fear problems & disappointments in relationships
Adlerian Driving type
driven for achievement, to win or avoid losing
Adlerian Controlling type
order is highly valued, avoids surprises
Adlerian victimized type
view life as unfair, treated unfairly, powerless
Adlerian being good type
being the best and most competent in the room
Adlerian socially useful type
need to control lives & strives to make positive contribution to society
Family Constellation Interview
Genogram; birth order
Earliest Recollections
A projective technique for understanding client lifestyle and guiding self-ideal and “basic mistakes”
Adlerian Intervention strategies
action-oriented techniques to foster client learning and reorientation
The Future Autobiography
Future goals can help clients intentionally shape their future
Acting “as if”
Clients pretend to possess the desirable traits they’re striving for
Catching oneself
teaching clients how to catch themselves when they slip into old unhelpful behaviors before engaging in problem behavior
Paradoxical Strategies
prescribing the symptoms
Task Setting & Homework
Task Setting & Homework