Queues Flashcards
quintessentially british
What is a queue an example of?
An ordered list
What are the ordering criteria for the elements within a queue?
Time of Arrival (First in - First Out / FIFO)
Priority of the associated event / data
What are the items of interest in a FIFO queue?
First Item ( head / front)
Last Item ( tail / back)
adds an element to the queue
returns the ‘first’ item from the queue and removes it from the queue
only way to remove data from a queue
returns the first element, leaving the queue unchanged
the current number of data items in the data structure
returns try if the queue buffer is full
returns true if there are no elements in the queue
How can underflow occur in queues?
trying to “serve” an empty queue
How can overflow occur in queues?
trying to “enQueue” data into a full queue
How would we catch the underflow and over flow exceptions?
Use our own exceptions
An array based queue implementation can be simple if
adding an array to the queue involves incrementing the tail
removing an element involves incrementing the head variable
What is Cyclic Buffering?
stores data in a fixed-size buffer that is connected end-to-end
What does the Remainder / Modulus Operator do regarding Cyclic Buffering?
ensures that the indices of the buffer wrap around when they reach the end of the array