Questions_Technology Flashcards
What are some of the greatest technological achievements?
aware of
What are the disadvantages of technology?
keen on
Could you name the most interesting or important inventions in history?
mad about
What do you think robots should be used for
suitable for
Do you think using cell phones too much is bad for your physical or mental health?
skilful at
If you could copy your brain for future generations would you?
keep track of
How do you think face to face communication differs from communication using computers?
keep someone posted
Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress?
save money
Do you think money should be spent to explore space or is it better to spend it on helping people on earth?
capable of
What is your opinion about children playing violent video games or computer programs?
How often do you buy things on the Internet?
Do you worry about identity theft or credit card number theft when buying things on the Internet?
Have you used new technologies to learn English?
remote control
Facebook often gets in trouble for not having very good privacy settings. Do you think that this really is a big problem?
How much private information are you prepared to share about yourself on the Internet?
Do you feel comfortable with the idea of Artificial Intelligence?
Do you think technological advances are always good?
How have technological advances affected education?
Do you have a smartphone? What do you use it for?
Are you a Mac or a Windows user?
Which is your favourite social network?
Have your ever thought of your digital footprint?
It seems to me that