questions with ¿què? Flashcards
¿qué haces?
literal = what do you do?
what it actually means = what are you doing?
¿qué estás haciendo?
what are you doing? (right now in this moment i am asking you)
¿qué pasó?
what happened? or what’s happening?
¿qué te pasa?
what’s wrong with you? or what’s the matter with you?
¿qué le pasa?
what’s the matter with her/him
*asking whats the matter with someone who isn’t who you are talking to (3rd person is who you’re asking about)
¿qué me compraste?
what did you buy for me?
¿qué compraste?
what did you buy?
¿qué dijiste?
what did you say?
¿qué me dijiste?
what did you say to me?
¿qué soñaste?
what did you dream?
¿qué necesitas?
what do you need?
¿qué te traigo?
what can i get you? or what can i bring you?
¿qué tomas?
what are you drinking?
¿qué quieres?
what do you want
¿qué te dijo?
what did he/she say to you?
¿qué le dijiste?
what did you say to him/her?
¿qué me ves?
literal = what do you look at me
what it actually means = why are you looking at me