Questions To Ask When You Meet Someone Flashcards
Where are you from
De donde eres
What do you do
A que te dedicas
What is your work
A que trabajas
Are you married. Do you have children.
Estas casado-a. Tienes hijos-hijas
Where do you
Donde vives
when is your birthday
Cuando es tu complejos
Are you reading a book
Estas leyendo un libro
Is the book you are reading good
Te gusta el libro
Have you seen a movie lately
Has visto una película recientamente
what was the it about
De que se trata
Who did you vote for. I hope you did no vote for the dickhead
Por quien votaste. Espere que no hayas votado
Can I borrow 5 euros.
Me prestas 5 euros
I forget my credit card and do not have any cash in my wallet
Me olvide mi tarjeta y no tengo efectivo en mi cartera
Can you recommend a good restaurant near here
Me recomiendas buen restaurante circa de aqui
I would like a bottle of beer
Me gustaria una botella de cerveza