questions i got wrong Flashcards
what is a pericardial knock and what is it indicative of?
- commonly caused by constrictive pericarditis
- high pitched sound made by heart during early diastole
murmurs on which side of the heart get louder on expiration
- left side + vice versa
which murmurs are louder with valsalva manouvre?
HOCM + mitral valve regurg
acute management for a patient in AF who is haemodynamically unstable
DC cardioversion
ECG changes in pericarditis
- PR depression
- saddle ST elevation
management of VT with pulse
- amiodarone 300mg IV over 20-60 mins
- 900mg over 24 hours
management SVT in stable patients with a regular rhythm
- vagal manouvres
- IV adenosine 6mg
rheumatic fever management
- oral benzylpenicillin
management of STEMI if PCI not available within 2 hours
- fibrinolysis - with tPA
- give a heparin at same time
management of patient if ECG still shows ST-elevation 90 mins after fibrinolysis
PCI - persisting ischaemia on ECG following fibrinolysis demonstrates failure of intervention
what cha2ds2-vasc score indicates anticoagulation?
1 - men
2 - women
what do each of the letters mean in cha2ds2vasc
c - congestive heart failure
h - hypertension
a2 - age>75 =2, age>65 = 1
d - diabetes
s2- stroke, TIA, thromboembolism
v - vascular disease
s - sex (female)
features of aortic regurgitation
- early diastolic murmur
- intensity increased by handgrip manoeuvre
- intensity increased with exhalation
- widened pulse pressure
management 3 vessel disease
management type A and B aortic dissection
type A - surgery
type B - conservative + bed rest - reduce blood pressure with IV labetalol