Questions about climate change Flashcards
What are your predictions for the second semester?
What are your predictions for the second semester?
How do you think you have managed having online classes?
If you had had the opportunity to change anything in your life
last year, what would you have changed?
Imagine you had had the power to manage the pandemic in
Chile. What would you have done?
Talk about an important invention/discovery and give details
about it. When was it invented/discovered?
Talk about a piece of news that you recently heard of. What
How do you think people’s mental health has been affected by
social distancing and isolation?
What did your parents say to you, when you were a teenager,
about studyig in the university?
Talk about a post you saw on social media that called your
attention. What did it say?
Talk about the last conversation you had with one of your
friends. What did they say to you?
What have you been doing the last few weeks? Have you been
stressed out with university?
Talk about some of the measures that countries have done to
stop the spread of covid-19.
How have you managed being far from your loved ones?