questions Flashcards
what is article 263
Direct action
citizen’s conflict is directlywith an EU institution
Nothing is carried to in international court
allows any natural or legal person to institute proceedings only “against a regulatory act which is of direct concern to them and does not entail implementing measures.”
What is article 267
(what is reference what is a preliminary rulling?
Indirect action ~
To understand the real interpretation of the EU law he court can ask a question to the ECJ on how to interpret the EU law and this is called a reference
The answer that the ECJ gives to this question is called preliminary ruling because before the case has been ruled and decided on it, tells you how the law has to be interpreted
treaty of paris set what isntiution and why?
The Treaty of Paris in 1952 introduced 1 community - the ECSC (European Community for Coal and Steel).
Treaty of Paris was for peace using all of the economics tools by tying west Germany’s industries to the rest in attempt to prolong the peace.
Treaty of Paris removed trade restrictions and create supranational security and authroity
what and why did the treaty do a sunset clause?
an attempt to regulation Supra-national that is temporary and aims to regulate coal and steel. Reassuring the members that this is a temporary situation.
what is a susnset clause?
A sunset law states that a given agency will cease to exist after a fixed period of time unless the legislature reenacts its statutory charters
What is dirct effect?
provisions of binding EU law that are clear precise unconditional enough to be invoked and relied on by idividuals before national court
Which case and how estblished direct effect on treaty articles
Van gend en Loos 26/62
I take a provision in the treaty and use it in court as a citizen to rely on it and derive rights
If I derive rights, has a right to not pay the taxes and the states f«refunds hi
What’s the analysis for direct effect?
“Can I use that provision in court?”“Is it sufficently precise and clear for the national judge to understand whch rights the ruling is attributing me
What it Vertical Direct effect?
The Vertical direct effect is of consequence in relations between individuals and the country. This means that individuals can invoke a European provision in relation to the country.
What is the Horizontal Direct Effect?
The Horizontal direct effect is consequential in relations between individuals. This means that an individual can invoke a European provision in relation to another individua
Was Van Gend en Loos a vertical case
yes because it was van gend en loos an indvidual agains the state
directly applicability in van gend en loos
If no national legislative measure is required for article 12
I don’t need any national measure of transposition or detail.
What is direct innaplicability?
national judge can simply ignore a national provision if it is in conflict with an EU provision, without asking for a preliminary rulling. (without contacting the insitutional court, without contacting the parliamient(Acte clair
Is orsolina vertical or horizontal?
This case pictures a vertical direct effect of regulations, because we can see a dispute between private person and the State.
What are directives?
act of eu law that are set out in general terms but ust be implemented by memebrr states through the adoption of detailed measures, usually y national legsiation
Why do We say that DIRECTIVES are NEVER Directly applicable but MAY have Direct Effect?
his means that in order for a directive to be implement, a national measure of transposition is required. Hence, it is incompatible with the concept of Direct Application
Why do we say directives may have direct effect?
Since member states have the implementation period for the directive, during that period, the directive does not produce direct effect.
When the deadline has elapsed, even if the member state has not complied with the directive, an individual can derive rights from the directive – meaning it gains direct effect.
Is directives effect vertical ou horizontal?
Since directives require state implementation, the direct effect from which can be derived is only vertical – always against the state – since the possible non-compliance with the directive is the states’ concern.