Questions Flashcards
On what Sabbats are Balefires typically lit?
Yule, Beltane and Litha/Midsummer
Which element does a censer represent?
The element of Air.
What are corn Dollies made of?
Corn dollies aren’t made from cobs or husks; corn originally referred to any grain other than maize and still does in most English-speaking countries except the United States.
When is Beltane celebrated?
April 30th or May 1st
What is May Eve?
Another name for Beltane.
What is Roodmas?
Another name for Beltane.
What is Walpurgis Night?
Another name for Beltane.
What is Ceth Samhain?
Another name for Beltane.
When is Imbolc celebrated?
February 2nd
What is Candlemas?
Another name for Imbolc
What is Lupercalia?
Another name for Imbolc
What is the Feast of Pan?
Another name for Imbolc
What is the Feast of Torches?
Another name for Imbolc
What is the Feast of the Waxing Light?
Another name for Imbolc
What is Oimelc?
Another name for Imbolc
What is Brigit’s Day?
Another name for Imbolc
When is Lughnasadh celebrated?
August 1st
What is August Eve?
Another name for Lughnasadh
What is Lammas?
Another name for Lughnasadh
What is the Feast of Bread?
Another name for Lughnasadh
When is Mabon celebrated?
September 21st
What Sabbat falls on the Autumn Equinox?
When is Litha celebrated?
on or near June 21st
What is Midsummer?
Another name for Litha
What Sabbat falls on the Summer Solstice?
What is the difference between a pentagram and a pentacle?
A Pentacle has a circle with a star in the center. A Pentagram is just the star alone.
When is Samhain celebrated?
October 31st
What is November Eve?
Another name for Samhain
What is Hallowmas?
Another name for Samhain
What is the Feast of Souls?
Another name for Samhain
What is the Feast of the Dead?
Another name for Samhain
What is the Feast of Apples?
Another name for Samhain
Which Sabbat falls on Halloween?
When is Yule celebrated?
December 21st.
The element of Earth is…
the element of the physical world, what you can see, feel, taste, touch, and smell. It is the element of manifestation.
The element of Air is…
the element of mind, intellect, beginnings, choice, and discrimination.
The element of Fire is…
the element of inspiration, creativity, will, desire, and psychic experience.
The element of Water is…
the element of cycles, change, endings, and releasing.
Spirit is…
the Goddess and the God. It is the source and center of all that exists.