Questions Flashcards
Four-part of the four-part planning process
- ) The Plan Development Stage (the Annual Planning Retreat)
- ) The Plan Organization Stage (the Departmental One year plan)
- ) The Plan Implementation Stage (the Monthly planning council)
- ) The Plan Accountability Stage ( the Weekly tag-in )
A _____ to plan is a plan to _______
A fail to plan is a plan to fail
5 Steps of proper planning
1.) Develop a vision of the completed plan
Ex.) “5-year numerical goals” and the “5-year quality improvement goals worksheets”
2.) Develop creative plans and activities to accomplish the goals
Ex.) Annual planning retreat
3.) Place activities in proper sequence
Ex.) 1 year plan
4.) Determine the resources needed to achieve the plan
Ex.) Monthly Departmental council
5.) Follow through once the plans are made
Ex.) Weekly tag in sessions
What are 10 things that a planning retreat does for your church?
There are only 6 Bro. Massengale!
- ) Excitement and enthusiasm
- ) Commitment to involvement
- ) New Ideas and solutions to problems
- ) A team Spirit
- ) Coordination of activities
- ) A reward for a job well done
Where is the best place to have a planning retreat and why?
Where - TO be effective should be out of town and overnight event. The best place to have a retreat is in a lodge or cabin but motels, camps, vacation homes or other such facilities are acceptable.
Why - If the planning time is at the church, its work- interest, and participation quickly dies. If overnight or out of town its fun and exciting
4 discussion methods, what are they?
- ) Round Robin- Means you go right around the circle and everyone must contribute something
- ) Open Discussion - Simply means throwing subject open for discussion
- ) Buzz Groups - Divide everyone into groups of 3 to 5 people. Give each buzz group a topic to discuss and after 15-20 min the groups come back together and give their ideas
- ) 3 great ideas - You ask everyone to be silent for 3-5 min and write down the best 3 ideas they can think of on a particular subject. THen you go quickly around the circle then everyone reads their ideas w/ very little discussion
7 c’s of team building, list them
- ) Compatability
- ) Continuity
- ) Comptence
- ) Confidence
- ) Coherence
- ) Complementary
- ) Conceptualization
Rules of the retreat, what are they?
- ) All departments are of equal importance
- ) there is no such thing as a dumb idea
- ) everyone must participate in the discussion
- )please stay on the subject
- ) please take detailed notes
- ) please raise your hand to speak
- ) there should be no private conversations during group discussion
- ) please wait until breaks to get up (unless its an emergency)
- ) please stay until the entire retreat is over
- ) the pastor has the ultimate veto of any idea or subject
What is in the binder you should give to each department?
- ) retreat agenda
- ) organizational flow chart
- ) copy of their updated job description
- ) sample and blank one you plan forms
- ) departmental monthly report forms
- ) most important: a loose-leaf “1-page-per-month” calendar for date setting
- ) some lined note paper
- ) colored tab dividers to go between each of these
in a church/department setting:
good goals are “____” goals
bad goals are “____” goals
the goals need to be “ours” not just “mine”
who should attend the planning retreat besides the pastor and his wife?
the department heads, their spouses, (if they cannot come then have an assistant come in their place), the church secretary, and any full-time staff member