Questions 7-13 Flashcards
Genetic recombination in bacteria – principles and possibilities
There is a donor cell and a recipient cell, there is a parasexual transfer that happens, and a recombination within the recipient cell.
As for parasexual transfer, there is transduction, transformation and conjugation
There is a transfer of DNA by bacteriophages (virus that infect bacteria)
- Virulent bacteriophages: lytic cycle (host DNA is digested and used for new phage DNA, translation into proteins → new phages, destroy cell
- Temperate bacteriophages: lysogenic cycle (phage DNA integrates into bacterial chromosome, becomes noninfective prophage → gives cell new properties)
F+ cell forms sexpilus, gives F- cell one strand of plasmid, both cell synthetise second strand, both F+
Jumping genes, can transpose between nucleoid/plasmids/prophages, has specific insertion sequences, often resistance genes
What are the principal mechanisms of antibiotics?
Mechanisms of action (interfere with)
- Cell wall synthesis
- Folic acid metabolism
- Cytoplasmic membrane structure
- DNA gyrase
- RNA elongation
- DNA-directed RNA polymerase
- Protein synthesis (50S inhibitors)
- Protein synthesis (30S inhibitors)
- Protein synthesis (tRNA)
What are some resistance mechanisms of bacteria?
Enzymatic inactivation: β-lactamases, acetyltransferases
Decrease of intracellular concentration by control of influx and amplified efflux (influx, efflux)
! Antibiotics, heavy metals and desinfectants can induce efflus pumps → resistance can develop
Changing of target structures: rRNA methylases, alternative PBP (Penicillin Binding Proteins, f.e. MRSA = Methillicin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
What are the bacterial structures and their function?
All of the material within a cell, enclosed by the cell membrane, except for the cell nucleus (cytosol, organelles, cytoplasmic inclusions)
- Nucleoid: Circular or linear chromosome (double-stranded DNA), free in cytoplasm, only a few proteins (histones), housekeeping genes, mostly singly copy genes: no compensation after mutation
- Plasmid: circular, linear, extrachromosomal DNA (virulence/resistance genes, non-essential), independent replication, conjugative plasmids control own transfer
Extracellular substances: anti-dehydration, permeability barrier, adhesion, protection against phagocytosis, biofilm
Cell wall
Shaping exoskeleton, permeability barrier, adhesion to host cells, virulence factors, antigens
Cytoplasmic membrane
Permeability barrier, transport processes,…
Protein synthesis
Tubular hair-like protein structures: 1-2 per cell; F-Pilus, Sexpilus for conjugation
Long protein filaments for adhesion, F-antigens
Motility of bacteria, taxis possible, virulence factor, antigens, powered by protons
Circular DNA molecules, linear plasmids, not essential, replication-independent from the nucleoid, virulence/ resistance genes
Examples for spore-forming bacteria
Sporulation due to unfavourable life conditions
Bacillus + Clostridium
Vegetative cell → sporulation → free spore → germination → vegetative cell
You need 135°C, 3 bar, 30 min in autoclave to kill spores
What are structures of viruses and their function?
- DNA or RNA: ss/ds, linear/segmented/circular, +/- sense.
- Contains genetic information
- Cubic, helical or complex protein structure, can include enzymes
Structural protein
Protect, bind, penetrate cell membrane
Non-structural proteins
Replication, modify host cell metabolism
Double lipid membrane encoded by the host cell, contains virus-specific (glyco)proteins
Genome + capsid, envelope optional
Subunit construction
- Translation produces small proteins that can be assembled in various ways
- Necessity: at best a nucleic acid can only code for 15% of its weight as a protein, viruses are composed of 50 – 90 % protein by weight
- Advantages: self assembly, fidelity (smaller genes + proteins → less error), economy (wrong proteins for trash are smaller), complexity (larger number of subunits → more stable capsid
How do we “diagnose” bacteria?
Direct detection of pathogens
Microscopy + good for viruses, unique shape
- Light or fluorescence microscopy (min. 0.2µm)
- Electron microscopy (min. 0.0001 µm): transmission (2D, thin layer, for viruses) or scanning (structure, bigger samples coated in gold/silver, laser scans surface)
Culture → differentiation + good for bacteria
- Liquid: motility?, gas production?, need oxygen?
- Energy recovery from CH/AA?, change of pH/color?
- Solid: to produce pure cultures on agar plates, size? Colour? Shape/edge/elevation?
- Serological: glass slide agglutination: antibodies bind to O-antigens of Lipopolysaccharid of Salmonella → flaky look
- Phage typing: Lysis or resistant to phages?
Molecular methods
- PCR: detection of species-specific genes/virulence or resistance genes
PCR + sequencing: variability in phylogenetic conserved genes? (16S rRNA …)
RFLP = restriction fragment length polymorphism
– PCR needs DNA-template, hard to tell whether MO is already dead
Indirect detection of pathogens
- Antibodies, cellular immunity
Specifically viruses
Antigen detection, PCR, virus isolation, serology (Adenovirus) ELISA, RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR (genetic diversity can make detection difficult)