Questions Flashcards
What’s the weather supposed to be like today?
Do you know what the high is for today?
Do you know what the temperature is going to be today?
Finding your feet
To get familiar with something
You are entitled to join
You have the right
I’d (would) be prepared to bet
You’ll put money on it
A thriving group of mountaineers
Babies can thrive in specifics environments
- to make population thrive
- Prosperar: to thrive
Both here are abroad
Both here are overseas
Both here are away
- a foreign student
-a student for a foreign (or abroad) country
The flourishing art scene
Thriving = flourishing (think about flower).
- She is a flourishing ballerina
- He is a flourishing cook (Or chef)
“A prayer for owen Meany” - John Irving
Has there ever been a book you couldn’t put down?
Is there a book you have read more than once?
How often do you go to the library?
Has there been a book you couldn’t finish?
What is the funniest book you have read?
What is the longest book you have read?
Do you often read a book before going to bed?
What do you think of a e-books?
Have you ever been to a book signing or “meet the author event”?
Do you ever read a books based on reviews/recommendations?
What was the last book you have read?
Funny enough
Literary nuance
Reading between the lines
The source text
The original
Outra pergunta,…
Another question I wanted to to raise
The writers have an edge
Don’t know enough about
..the lack of knowledge
It seems rather dated
Lots of “Romeo and Juliet” movies where they want to modernize the Shakespeare’s language.
You take the now a day’s context.
The chart SHOWS the amount of money per week spot on fast food in Britain. The graph shows the
The graphs ILLUSTRATE …
Fast food, junk food, processed food, unhealthy food/choices, these food, these types of meals.
Primeiro / último
First: former
Last: latter
1: Go up
2: stay at the same
3: Go down
1: to raise(job), increase , jump, surge, advance, boom(population boom),go high, elevate, grow, dominate, expand, strengthen, leaving up, going up, to rise, a gradual increase explode, accelerate, level up, peak or to reach a peack, rocket, skyrocket, lift, go up, incline, maximize, triple, double, boast, enhance, surpass, exceed, amplify, enlarge, prolong, lengthen, step up, multiply, magnify, climb.
2: stay, to plateau, to level off, to remain stagnant,
3: decrease, leaving down, going down, reducing, to lower,
Sharply, dramatically,... Power surge( it is so much)
Food, friend, and question
Food: cuisine … i love indian //cuzini//
Friends: acquaintance // aqueintence//
I like: I enjoy, I really love, I prefer,…
Do you like sports? Yes, there’re many sports I find funny and interesting! I really love…
Have an edge on
Be better than
Have a different agenda
See something in another way
Cause a storm
Make people react strongly
- Hollywood: moviments//
Have a false ring
Seem inauthentic
- in a relationship too! Your boyfriend tells you something that you think there is something wrong or missing
Be a can of worms
Be complicated to deal with
-Quiet complicated
-not for person! (If something is not easy going)
-When couples go to therapy they open up a can of worms and never ends well
Cutting edge
New, unique
-this new product, the first in its field, represents real cutting edge technology
False start
Have to re-do it again cause you started in a wrong moment
Hidden agenda
Journalists , policemen, sometimes they have a hidden agenda. Come to ask something and they are looking for more to point you
How and why
To explain
Phrasal verb
- Bear out:illustrate, demonstrate, confirm.
- Enlarge on: expand
- Find out: search, discover.
- Weigh up: when you have prove//.conclude
- Work out: figure out, calculate,
Weigh up x work out = probe// c non prouve//
The idea is an illusion
This definition is untenable
This definition will not do
Not reliable
Non useful
Opposite of organized
Disorganized: something that was already organized
Unorganized: was not even organized before
The kind of guy who is popular and has a lots of girlfriends
Things wish make your life more conviniente.
Bank, grocery store, library, gas station
Go down
Fall, drop, decrease, reduce, dip(go down and up - recovery), deteriorate, eliminate, decline, deccelerate, collapse, bomb, bottom out, lose, shut off/down, weaken, halve(cut in half), abate, condense, lessen, cut back, lower, dive,
Noun: advancement, elevation, growth, acceleration, enhancement, amplification, enlargement, prolonging, multiplication, magnification,
Stay the same
To be uncharged/unaltered, to have no charge, to have no change, remain/stay the same/uncharged/unaltered, constant, stable, steady, neutral, consistent, level, static, flat, balance.
Dramatically, suddenly, significantly, substantially, considerably,
Gradually , Steadily, slightly, insignificantly, moderately, inconsiderably;
When you get some small piece of some text. “Citation//
To get caught up
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day.
-routine, automatic,..
Job market
Market’s Economic (ex)
Live of the grid
Not the part of mainstream (normal) society
mainly, in most cases, largely, typically, usually, overall, principally, regularly, all in all, for the most part, on average, on the whole, predominantly.
seldom(raro), particularly, exactly
-This will seldom be the case (Raramente esse é o caso)
Hydraulic system
De água
Efficient drainage system
Fancy clothes
Black suits, long dresses, fancy clothes
Tem fortalecido ou enfraquecido?
Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills?
The laptop doesn’t even switch on.
Negligenciar, omitir, deixar passar.
For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. Hebrews 6:10.