Questions Flashcards
What is MTO&E
modified table of organization and equipment
What is TDA
Table of distribution and allowances
What is LIN?
Line Item number
What is AMSS?
Army Material Status System
How many classes of supply are there?
What is the Force Activity Designator?
F/AD is a Roman numeral (I-V) that identifies and categorizes a force or activity on the basis
of military importance.
What is a pacing item?
Major weapon systems, aircraft and other items central to an organization’s ability to perform its designated mission. The items are subject to continuous monitoring and management at all levels of command
What are the four equipment readiness codes? ERC
A. Principal weapons and equipment
B. Auxiliary equipment
C. Administrative support equipment
P. Pacing item
What is an MTO&E unit?
Commonly known as line units, the Army’s operational force. Examples include infantry battalions, quartermaster companies, Artillery Brigades, maintenance companies, etc.
What two AR’s are used in MTO&E?
AR 71-32
AR 200-1
What does the TDA usually consist of?
Commonly non deployable units. Examples include the Post garrison, a military school house, Garrison MPs, etc. Usually, TDA forces support MTOE units.
What are the 5 Roman numerals of Force Activity Designators?
I. In Combat II. Positioned for Combat III. Positioned to Deploy/Combat IV. Other Active and Selected Reserve Forces V. All Other
What is AR 71-32 pertain to?
Force Development Documentation Consolidated Policies
The requirement column of an MTOE is developed from the TOE’s level 1 or type B column. An MTOE’s authorization column is based on the unit’s Authorized Level of Organization (ALO) along with available manpower and equipment resources.
What does AR 200-1 consist of?
(Unit Status Reporting), paragraph 3-2a, states that units will compute resource levels against their MTOE/Table of Distribution and Allowance (TDA) required columns. Based on a combination of the requirements stipulated in AR 220-1 and AR 710-2 (Inventory Management Supply Policy Below the Wholesale Level), an organization should report its quantity on hand against its quantity in the required column
What are classes I-V in Supply?
Class I - Food, rations, and water
Class II - Clothing
Class III - Petroleum, oils, and lubricants
Class IV - Fortification and barrier materials
Class V - Ammunition