Questions Flashcards
Name the four gospels.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
According to a doctrinal mastery, when did we first know there would be a latter-day restoration?
Acts 3:19-21
Who created the earth?
Jesus Christ
What must accompany baptism for it to be complete?
Receiving the Holy Ghost.
What country ruled much of the Mediterranean world at the time of Christ’s birth?
Where do you find the scripture that tells us why our bodies are considered temples?
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
What tribe did Christ’s come through?
Where do you find Paul’s teachings about the relationship between husband and wife?
1 Corinthians 11:11
Who was Christ’s forerunner of Christ?
John the Baptist
Who did Jesus say was the greatest prophet born of woman?
John the Baptist
What method did Jesus use to teach so sincere seekers would be able to grasp hidden truths?
Who holds the same keys today that were given to Peter?
Thomas S. Monson
What is it called to be transformed for a short period of time, by the power of God, to a more exalted and glorified condition?
What did Jesus do at the last supper to teach his apostles they should serve each other?
Washes their feet.
Who was the first born of Heavenly Father’s children?
Jesus Christ
In 2 Timothy 3:15-17, what did Paul promise would help us overcome the spiritual perils of the last days?
Studying the scriptures.
Jesus gave the parable of the Ten Virgins to prepare us for what event?
The 2nd coming.
Who did Jesus say would teach his disciples all things and bring all things to their remembrance?
The Holy Ghost.
Who was the first mortal to see Jesus after his resurrection?
Mary Magdalene
Who was the first mortal to see Jesus after his resurrection?
Mary Magdalene
Which Apostle was promised by the Savior that he could remain on the earth until the second coming?
John the beloved
The Last Dispensation or the fullness of the gospel was begun, by the Lord , through what prophet?
Joseph Smith
Paul counseled us to put on what, so we can overcome the power of Satan?
The armor of God.
Who wrote the book of revelation?
John the beloved
What doctrinal mastery teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask of God?
James 1:5-6
What did Paul say was the root of all evil?
The love of money
What is charity?
The pure love of Christ.