Questions Flashcards
The acute onset of hypotension without a decrease in mixed venous oxygen saturation is most likely associated with the onset of _____
The speed of inhalational induction is slowed by right-to-left shunting. The change in the rate is least pronounced when using which agent?
(high blood:gas solubility)
Which opioid is currently NOT approved for epidural or intrathecal use?
- prepared in a glycine solution, a known inhibitory neurotransmitter
The following hemodynamic values are obtained two hours after coronary artery bypass surgery:
- Cardiac index: 1.7 L/min/m2
- Pulm Art. Occ. Pressure 22 mmHg
- MAP: 60 mmHg
- Urine volume: 0.2 mL/kg/hr
Pick the most appropriate management
Dopamine infusion
When the pressure gauge on a size “E” compressed gas cylinder containing N2O begins to fall from its previous constant pressure of 750 psi, approximately how many liters of gas will remain in the cylinder?
- pressure in a N2O tank will remain constant at 750 psi until about 3/4s of the nitrous has left the tank
A size “E” compressed-gas cylinder completely filled with N2O contains how many liters?
1590 L
Which Law:
“For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the product of pressure and volume is constant”
Boyle’s Law
The O2 pressure-sensor shutoff valve requires what O2 pressure to remain open and allow N2O to flow into the N2O rotameter?
30 psi
Coughing that occurs during awake intubation is prevented by blocking which nerves?
recurrent and superior laryngeal
Stellate Ganglia
just below subclavian artery
Which volatile agent has the highest fluoride levels?
Initial reduciton in core temperature during general anesthesia is caused by _____
redistribution of heat from the core to the periphery
Which NDMR will have a prolonged duraiton in a patient homozygous for atyplica plasma cholinesterase?
Musculocutaneous nerve
C5 and C6
What will most likely increase PaO2 during OLV?
applying CPAP to nondependent lung