Questions Flashcards
Co hledáš?
What are you looking for?
O čem byla ta schůze?
What was the meeting about?
Na co čekáš
What are you waiting for?
O čem mluvili?
What were they speaking about?
Na co je tohle tlačítko?
What is this button for?
Čemu se směješ?
What are you laughing at?
Na co se těšíš?
What are you looking forward to?
O čem mluvily?
What did they speak about?
Jak vypadá to auto?
How does the car look like?
Co poslouchá?
What is she listening to?
Z čeho se to dělá?
What is it made of?
Na čem sedíš?
What are you sitting on?
Jaký byl ten film?
What was the movie like?
Od koho je ten dopis?
Who is the letter from?
S kým tam jedeš?
Who are you going there with?
Na co myslíš?
What are you thinking about?
Pro koho je to?
Who is it for?
Komu píše?
Who is he writing to?
Jakokdo vypadám?
Who do I look like?
Na koho to spadlo?
Who did it fall on?
Pro koho to dělá?
Who is he doing it for?
O čem čte?
What is he reading about?
Jaká byla dovolená?
What was the holiday like?
Odkud je?
Where is he from?
Odkud jede ten autobus?
Where does the bus leave from?
V čí kanceláři to je?
Whose office is it in?
Čím autem jedeme?
Whose car are we going in?
O co se zajímáš?
What are you interested in?
Na co jsou ty složky?
What are the file for?
Jaké bylo počasí?
What was the weather like?
Jak to vypadá?
How does it look like?
Na co se připravuješ?
What are you preparing for?
Kdo to napsal?
Who wrote it?
Komu jsi to napsal?
Who did you write it to?
Co se stalo?
What happened?
Komu se to stalo?
Who did it happen to?
Kdo ti volal?
Who called you?
Komu jsi volal?
Who did you call?
Kdo ti pomáhá?
Who is helping you?
Komu pomáháš?
Who are you helping?