Questions #3 Flashcards
What is the main shortcoming of grid approximation?
It scales very poorly in high dimensions.
What is the main shortcoming of quadratic approximation?
Scales better than grid, but it can struggle in the face of complex, hierarchical models.
It also does not fare well in the presence of posterior distributions that cannot be well approximated by a Gaussian distribution
What is the 3 things we must be able to do to perform MCMC sampling with the metropolis algo
- We must be able to generate a random value from the proposal distribution (Normal (theta current, sigma^2)
- We must be able to calculate the unnormalized posterior densities
- We must be able to generate a uniform random value from 0 to 1 to accept or reject the proposed parameter value
In the trace plot, if the standard variation of the proposal distribution is too low, what will happen?
It will take longer to get to the right values
In the trace plot, if the standard deviation of the proposal distribution is too high, what will happen?
It will generate far-away proposals that will usually get rejected and won’t explore the posterior distribution well. (graphique en robot)
What is the difference between Metropolis and Metropolis-Hasting?
Metropolis-Hasting generalizes the metropolis by allowing assymetric proposals
True or false : We need a symmetric proposal function in the metropolis algo
True or false : In the Gibbs Algorithm, we always accept the proposal
What are the advantages of Gibbs ?
Efficiency in sampling from the posterior and no tuning of the proposal distribution
What are the disadvantages of Gibbs?
- Ability to compute and sample from conditional posterior distributions
- Sampling efficiency in models with correlated parameters
True or false : If the parameters are graphed in n-dimensional space, the metropolis algorithm movements can be in any direction,. The gibbs movements are always parallel to the axes
Write the formulas useful for HMC
- Formula for momentum
- Formula for Theta
- Formula for prob of accept
What is the consequence in HMC if s is too low?
The proposal distribution is too concentrated and does not have sufficient time to move into the region of high posterior mass
What is the conserquence in HMC if s is too high?
Lower proposal rates since the proposals are too far away from the mode of the distribution
Can result in U-turn problem
In MCMC, a small number of samples is needed if we want the posterior mean