Questions Flashcards
Who was Nephew of Caligula, constructed the domes area, murdered his mother, and committed suicide in 68A.D.?
Who killed Caligula
Cassius chaerea
Which king was grandson of Numa, settled the avenging and janiculu, hill, and constructed the first Roman prison
Ancus Marcius
What was the Roman prison called
Who was raised at Cures, son-in-law of Titus tatius, and established pontifex Maximus?
Numa Pomplius
Who slew acorn, honored as god quirinus, and dedicated a temple to Jupiter feretrius
Who let the sabines into Rome for what they wore on their left arms but instead was crushed by their shields
Who was a she wolf and wife of faustulus
Accra larentia
Who was from arpinum, served in 86 B.C., captured Cirta, and defeated the cimbri and teutones
What triplets were from alba longa
What triplets won and was from Rome
Who was the son of gaius Octavius and atia, conquest of illyrcium, annexation of Egypt ?
What disaster happened under the command under quinctillius varus
Teutoberg Forest
Who said to have “found Rome a city of brick, left it a city of marble?
Who built the pantheon, baths of Agrippa, aqua virgo, and aqua Julia?
What emperor was gloomy and never desired to be emperor?
Who replaced sejanus as praetorian prefect?
Which emperor had been handicapped and was the first empower to be born outside of Italy
Who killed Claudius with a mush room soup
Aggripina the younger
Who was the governor of Hispanic tarraconesis, told by icelus he was emperor, and was supported by Julius vindex for emperor?
What emperor was a former governor of Lusitania
Who was the first of the equites class to become emperor, put down the Jewish revolt, and sacked Jerusalem?
Who began construction of colosseum
Whose sack of Jerusalem had been honored by an arch, and the eruption of mt Vesuvius happened during his reign?
Who was given the title of domino set dues, built the arch of Titus, and killed by his butler, Stephanus?
Who was a famous orator that made the conspiracy of Caitlin’s, and awarded the title “Peter Patriae”
Who was the first king of Etruscan origin, married tanaquil, killed by the sons of ancus marcius, and had an eagle take his cap and returning it shortly?
Tarquinius priscus
Which kings head was set in flames, son of oscria, built the first wall around Rome, and assainated by his successor?
Servius tullius
Who built the temple of Jupiter, built the cloaca maxima, finished the circus maxima?
Tarquinius superbus
Who got tricked in the legend of the sibylline books?
Tarquinius superbus
Which old emperor was chosen by the senate and forced to adopt their predecessor?
Whose wife was Plotina, conquered Dacia, built a forum on the qurinal hill and a bathhouse over Nero’s domus aurea, and was given the name Optimus princeps
Who built a wall in Britain, rebuilt the pantheon, wife was sabina, and was an admirer of Greek culture?
Where was hadrians wall built
River Tyne to the solway firth
Who married Faustino the elder, celebrated romes 900th anniversary, established a wall in Scotland, and ruled the longest of the five good emperors?
Antoninus Pius
Who wrote the mediations, fought the marcommani, quasi, sarmatians, and the iazyges, married Faustian the younger?
Marcus Aurelius
Who imitated Hercules, killed on New Year’s Eve, and had cleanser sell govt offices to the highest bidders?
What river served as the border between cisalpine Gaul and Italy
What Dalmatian peasant came to power after defeating the emperor Corinus in 285 A.D. which led to the institution of the tetrarchy eight years later?
Name the three men who made up the other members of the tetrarchy along with Diocletian
(Constantius) Chlorus, Maximian, Galerius
Who following failures by hostiles Mancinya and Quintus Pompeius succeeded in capturing the cell Tian stronghold of Numantia in 133 BC?
Scipio Aemilianus
Who pursued the last major persecution of Christians in the western Roman Empire through a series of edicts starting in 303 A.D?
At what battle of 218 BC did the future Scipio Africanus save his father‘s life?
At what battle of 206 BC did the future Africanus defeat has effectively Redling Spain of Carthaginian influence?
What king of Pontus initially tried to commit suicide in 63 BC by ingesting poison, but was unsuccessful due to a tolerance that he had built up?
Mihridates (VI)
What emperor retired twice in his career once to Rhodes in 6 BC?
What name was given to laws proposed by Tarrant Hasa and 452 BC which became the first written Roman law code?
Twelve Tables
Where did the plebs first succeed
Mons sacer
Who convinced the plebs to come back in their first succession
Menenius Agrippa
Who took tpdown the Volscian’s, and then turned against Rome but was persuaded by his mother and daughter to not march onto Rome?
Who won the second spoils optima when he slew Tolumnius?
Aulus Cornelius cossus
Who trapped the Roman’s under the yoke in the 321 bc
(Gavius) Pontus
Other than the causing forks, what other disaster happened in 2nd Samnite war?
What battle was when Hannibal’s brothers head was thrown into a Carthiginian camp?
Battle of metaurus river?
Who was elected tribute in 133 BC and attempted to push the land law?
Tiberius Gracchus
Who vetoed Tiberius garcchus’ law?
(Gaius) Octavius
Who was born in Leptis Magna, wife’s was very influential, sacked Ctesiphon in 198 AD?
Septimus Severus
What battle did the Romans defeat the Tarquinius superbus, had castor and Pollux help the Roman’s in 496 Bc
Lake regulus?
What soldier snd statesman captured Veii after a ten year siege and was proclaimed “Pater Patriae”
Which senonian chieftain deafted the Romans and occupied Rome for 7 months?
Who was woken up by the sacred geese
Marcus Manlius Capitolinus
What structure located between the Palantine and Aventine Hills was known for its chariot racing?
Circus Maximus
Name the two colored factions that the emperor Domitian added to the original four
Purple and Gold
Who built the first permanent amphitheater in Rome?
Statilius Taurus
What emperor saw the words “in Hoc signo Vinces” in a dream and believed that this signified that he would be the victor of the Milvian Bridge?
Who was proclaimed Emperor by the Pretorian guard after they found him hiding behind curtains after the death of his predecessor in 41 AD?
What province did Claudius add in 44 A.D. which was previously visited by Caligula and Julius Caesar
Which emperor led a military expedition into Scotland in 208 A.D. before dying at Eboracum with his two sons Carella and Geta at his side?
Septimius Severus
Who was known as Graeculus due to his love of Greece?
Who led a rebellion in Judea during Hadrian’s reign?
When Augustus adopted Tiberius as his hair, who was Tiberius at that time required by Augustus to adopt?
What king did Trajan participate in a major military campaign during the reign of the emperor Domitian?
Of what place did Pyrrhus become king after his loss to the Romans at Asculum?
What general led the invasion of Carthage in 146 BC that ended the third Punic war?
Scipio Aemilianus
What did Scipio Aemilianus do to the fields of Carthage to further humiliate their Carthaginian?
Sows the fields with salt
Where was Rome Founded?
Palatine Hill
Which of the hill is named after a deceased Roman king?
What building did Agrippa construct to commemorate the victory at Actium?
The pantheon’s famous opening at its top is known in Latin by what term?
What emperor rebuild the pantheon for the third time in 126AD
Which emperor was the first to be born outside Italy?
Where was Trajan born?
What woman did Julius Caesar meet and be friend in 47 BC during his travels to Egypt?
Who did Cleopatra be friend besides Caesar?
Mark Antony
What were the names of the books of prophecy sold by the Cumaean Sibyl?
Sibylline Books
What resource was mined at the port of Ostia
Name the Roman general whose efforts at Beneventum in 275 BC forced Pyrrhus to leave Italy permanently
(Marcus Curius) Dentatus
With what group of neighboring states did the Romans ally themselves under the terms of Foedus Cassianum in 493 BC
The Latin league
Name the sea, bordering Italy immediately to the east
Adriatic Sea
What tribe allied themselves with Pyrrhus Hannibal, and other enemies of Rome
Which general was at the battle of Drepanum in 249 BC
(Publius Cladius) Pulcher
Who was the cousin of Alexander the Great and controlled the city of tarentum?
What battle had the Roman’s thrown sacred chickens into the ocean and had the general cladius pulcher?
What law proposed by Julius Cesar offered Roman citizenship to all citizens or Italians, who had not raised arms against Rome in the Italian war?
Lex Iulia
Who was brought to the Pretorian camp by the conspirators who had killed Commodus and was proclaimed emperor the day after the assassination?
Who was emperor by an auction and paid each member of the Pretoria guard 25,000 sesterces?
Didius Julianus
Who was declared emperor by the troops at Emessa in Syria worshiped the God ‘Sol Invictus and forced the people to worship a black stone, which he brought from Syria?
Which emperor’s original cognomen was Bassianus