Questions Flashcards
What does the health and disability commissioner do?
Describe a situation of conflict with a patient or relative
What are challenges facing O&G trainees in the future and potential solutions?
Describe a recent near miss / adverse event and how this was handled
O&G can be stressful. It can be busy with often more than one high stake emergency happening at a time and outcomes are not always good. How do you cope?
Burnout is becoming a growing issue. How do you practise self-care?
36y primiparous woman wanting a home birth. How would you council her?
How would you approach consent for a Jehovah’s Witness? What are the key issues?
What are the options around CF screening?
Discuss screening tests in pregnancy for chromosomal abnormalities and briefly mention invasive testing of a woman receives a high risk result
Describe the process of breaking bad news and what makes a good death
Describe management of an acute asthma attack in pregnancy
14y presents asking for contraception. How do you proceed?
What is a new development that has improved care in O&G?
What do you want to achieve by the end of year 1 training?
Give an example of a commonly practised management that is not evidence based. Why do you think this is the case?
Define professionalism and what it means to you
40y presents to ED with HMB. Discuss your management
You are looking after a primiparous woman 23+0 with PPROM. She has abdominal pain and is found to be in early labour. What important topics do you need to discover with the woman and her partner?
Describe some statistics that reflect the health inequities faced by Māori
Describe the changes that occurred with the 2019 abortion law being passed, and how this may benefit women
How do you practise O&G in a culturally sensitive way?
How does the MEWS score differ from the EWS?
26 year old woman with a pelvic mass. How do you proceed? What special considerations should you take to ensure that the patient is not discriminated against?
What do you think will be the most challenging part of Core training?
Describe how you assess the quality of evidence to guide your practise
What areas of research are you interested in?
What are some current issues in women’s health?
What is a difficult clinical situation you have been involved in and how do you deal with this?
Get a call from a rest home about an 86y with post menopausal bleeding. She is stable. How do you proceed?
Give an example of when you worked with a team and explain your role in the scenario
Why do you want to do O&G?
Describe a situation where applying your clinical judgment had a significant impact on patient health
How do you feel about the rural placement?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
What is a difficult clinical situation you have been involved in and how did you deal with this?
Respond to emergency bell - 23y with LMP 12 weeks ago who presents via ambulance with heavy bleeding. HR 42, BP 60/42, RR 18, O2 99%, 37C. What is your approach and management of tis patient?
Describe a framework for improving public and global health
Give an example of O&G in media
Management of PET
What is important in the future of woman’s health in NZ?
How would you address a circumstance where a colleague was not keeping up with their workload?
Have you encountered a situation of conflict with a patient or relative?
You are on birthing suite and get called to see a 24y pregnant patient with chest pain. How do you proceed?
How would you deal with a complaint and how would you resolve it?
Management of APH. How would you proceed?
Define open disclosure and why it is important
How would you manage a difficult trainee intern?
Describe a difficult paithta interaction and how you negotiated the outcome
How would you describe your communication skills?
What’s an area in O&G where more resources would be beneficial?
An African Muslim woman presents with her husband in clinic for infertility and during an examination you discover she has undergone female genital mutilation. What do you do?
Describe a difficult scenario you had with a colleague
Describe a difficult situation you had to manage with a team member
How would you manage a patient who wishes to self-discharge?
What are some current issues in woman’s health
How might you spend your 2 years of advanced training?
Patient in ED who is 12 days late for her period presenting with pain. How would you manage this?
How is O&G different to other specialities?
How do you reduce health inequities in your day to day practise?
What skills and qualities can you bring to the job?
How would you manage a treatment error?
What do you see as an area of change in O&G in the next 10 years?
What are the principles of an audit? Have you ever done an audit?
What are some of the challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis?
What’s your understanding of health inequities for Maori and how can it be improved?
How do you counsel pregnant women about smoking?
Management of PPROM
Describe the Hui process
What are the benefits of simulation training in O&G?
A woman 30/40 with previous CS and TPTL has some bleeding. On examination you know that she is 9cm dilated with a breech presentation. You are unable to get ahold of your SMO. What do you do?
Why is a Maori health workforce important?
Management of Mg toxicity. How would you proceed?
How has COVID affected woman’s health?
Patient presents after sexual assault. How do you proceed?
What do you think is the best way to teach trainees and give an example of an effective teaching you have had?
What are you looking forward to most in Core training?
28y 30 weeks pregnant collapses. Describe your management
You have been asked to do an audit on mid-trimester loss. Describe how you would proceed?
You are asked to see a woman on the postnatal ward who is unhappy with her perineal repair. How would you assess her and handle the situation?
What factors leads to poorer health outcomes in O&G for Maori. How can this be overcome?
O&G is a stressful occupation. How will you balance your professional and private life?
What does leadership mean and what makes a good leader?
What personal skills would make you a good trainee?
A woman 8 weeks by LMP had some PV bleeding which had now settled. Not sure she wants to continue the pregnancy. How would you proceed?
Give an example of a challenging clinical situation you have been involved in and what you have learnt from it
Management of term prolonged SROM
What would you tell a student who is interested in O&G?
Patient who is 6 weeks pregnant by dates presents with painless PV bleeding. Discuss your approach
Have you had any research involvement and what are your plans for future research?
You see a 20y in GOPC with 3 months of abdominal pain, wanting a laparoscopy. You explain you would like to do an USS and bloods first. She seems happy with this however later her mother rings you, angry that you have not arranged a laparoscopy as this is what the GP said would happen. What do you do?
What do you think can be done to improve diversity in O&G?
What issues may arise with the increasing trend of instrumental delivery and CS over time?
What considerations are importantly when dealing with different subgroups within NZ?
What is the role of RANZCOG?
What is your biggest achievement to date?