questions Flashcards
What is the the best and worst thing about your current job?
tell me about nova vision group
why did you want to join your family business?
can you walk me through your resume?
what makes you better than your competitors
where do you see your business going?
If you could change anything about your current company, what would it be?
Who do you admire in your current industry?
Where is the industry heading?
What are challenges your industry faces or you anticipate facing?
Who do you admire in your post-MBA industry?
What makes you unique?
Who is a leader that you admire and why? (shorten)
Tell me about a time you dealt with conflict in the workplace.
Give me an example of a project you’ve had a difficult time with.
Tell me about a time you had to convince a superior to follow your recommendation. (how do you communicate, how do you weigh pros and cons, how do you stand by your decisions)
How did you find the application process?
Is there something about you that has not been addressed in your application?
What is the most recent book you’ve read?
What is a common misperception people have about you?
What would your 5 closest friends say about you? Why?
Given what you know now, if you could go back to university and pick your subjects, would you change your choices?
What motivates you?
What would be your dream job
where do you see yourself within the company when you come back?
whats been the hardest part about your job so far?
how do you build trust within your team?
tell me about the hardest challenge in implementing the analytics project
why did you start the social impact committee?
where do you see the industry going?
why did you choose boston college?
other than healthcare, what other industries is affecting your company?
what other industries do you follow?
what was your favorite thing about boston college?
what was your favorite class at BC?
what has been the biggest change in your leadersihp style?
what’s the most recent book you read?
what makes a good photo
why do you like rock climbing?
what was the most challenging part of the two month fieldwork?
what did you not know before becoming a product manager?
why did you choose product management?
have you ever dealt with an underperforming executive?
tell me about the santen project
if you had to do it again, what would you do differently?
what do you think would disrupt this industry?
what technologies are you focusing on?
if you could have any job within the company, what would it be?
how do you ensure that people are coordinated?
how would your friends describe you?
whats been the biggest challenge working with your dad?
why do you want to do consulting after MBA?
consulting is on a downturn, do you think that this will impact your recruiting?
what are some of some companies outside of China that you follow
why did you pick BC?
what did you like and not like about BC?
if you had to do college again, what would you do differently?
tell me about the lifeline project
tell me about Uniyep
what was one challenge about the Uniyep project you faced?
why did you pick verystar?
where do you think this industry will be in 10-15 years?
how do you manage so many teams?
whats been a challenge managing teams?
what’s something you’ve failed at in this?
Tell me about yourself beyond your resume
Why MIT?
How will you contribute to the MIT community?
Tell me about your greatest recent accomplishment.
Tell me about a time when you had to help someone at work.
Tell me about a time when you challenged or pushed back against someone.
If you sit with me at a dinner table, can you describe to me (who has no idea of what you do) your current startup and your role?
What excites you at work?
Walk me through your data visual. Which question did you answer and why?
Tell me about a time you motivated someone to go beyond their believed capacity.
Tell me about a time you convinced people to solve a problem your way.
Tell me about a time you had to convince people as a leader.
Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult team member.
Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a coworker or a manager.
Tell me about a failure you experienced and how you are growing from it.
Be ready to answer specific cover letters and follow-up questions.
Tell me about a time you mentored someone.
Tell me about a time you led a team. What were the challenges?
What were your challenges when you first began managing a team?
How do you relax / What do you do in your spare time?
Tell me about a weakness you have.
What is your leadership style and how has it grown since undergrad?
Tell me about a time you failed a project and how it has changed or evolved your leadership.
Tell me about a time when you had to step up to a leadership role.
Tell me about a leadership experience you have had either professionally or personally.
Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.
What does resilience mean to you? Tell me about a time you showed resilience
If your co-workers had to describe you in 3 words, what would they be?
Describe a time you worked in a diverse team / Tell me about a time when you had to bring people from different viewpoints together.
If you had extra time to talk to the admissions team to tell them something that you weren’t able to say in your application, what would you say?
What are your 3 positive/negative traits?
What is one characteristic that makes you unique.
Tell me about the most significant weaknesses that you wish to overcome.
Tell me about a time you failed and how did you respond to that situation?
Tell me about a time your perspective was changed. How did you approach the situation?
Tell me about a situation when you made a decision, but then thought you could have done it differently.
Tell me about a time you tried to incorporate an external source of inspiration into an actual team project.
Tell me a time you had to manage change.
Tell me about a time you motivate a team that was struggling.
Tell me about a time you experienced a conflict with another and how you handled it.
Tell me about a time you encouraged failure?
Be ready to answer specific cover letters and follow-up questions.
Tell me more about your data visualization
How are you now looking to make your company more inclusive
What’s been the hardest part about running a family business
What’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
Tell me about the myopia growth project? what challenges and difficulties did you face? why did you do it?
What did you learn most as you transitioned into Chief of Staff
What do you manage in each team?
Can you explain your organizational structure to me?