Questions Flashcards
Can you palpate the spermatic cord in Eq rectally?
Which kidney can be palpated by rectal examination in Eq?
Caudal pole of left kidney (right is fused w/ cecum)
What ligaments attach the patella in Eq?
Lateral, medial and intermediate patellar ligg.
Which spp has a patellar lymphnode?
Eq (subiliac ln.)
Which meniscus in eq is not attached to the femur?
Medial meniscus
Which nerve must be anesthetized when dehorning?
n. cornualis (branch of N. lacrimalis → N.ophthalmicus → N. trigeminus)
C1 + C2 (= cervical nerves)
N. auricularis caudalis
N. zygomaticus
Which nerve is anesthetized when injecting at L2?
Nn. Paralumbar
Medium anesthesia of the palmar / plantar nerve?
Lateral of the proximal sesamoideum / same→ palpable
Where is the common anesthesia of the common fibular nerve applied?
Caudal of the head of the fibula in the direction of the gastrocnemius muscle (3 cm deep)
Where is the main anesthetic of the tibial nerve applied?
It is covered by the biceps femoris muscle, between the gastrocnemius heads (1 hand’s breadth above the calcaneus
Which vessel runs parallel to the musculocutaneous nerve?
A. + V. brachialis
What is the name of the efferent nerve of the pupillary reflex?
Occulomotor nerve (III)
Motor and sensory innervation of the tongue?
Motor: hypoglossal nerve (XI)
Sensory: glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), facial nerve (VII)
Which nerve is located between the two heads of the flexor ulnaris muscle?
Ulnar nerve
What is the facial nerve responsible for?
Facial expressions and facial expressions
Which nerve innervates the upper eyelid?
Sensory: maxillary nerve (ophthalmic nerve - frontal)
Motoric: facial nerve=> auriculopalpebralis nerve
Which nerve supplies the nostrils?
- N. maxillary → N. infraorbitalis → N. nasalis internus + externus
- N. ophthalmicus → N. nasociliare
Is the facial nerve motor or sensory?
Which nerves supply the masticatory muscles?
➔ N. trigeminus (V) → N. mandibularis (V / 3) → N. massetericus, N. temporalis, N. buccalis
What does n. opticus innervate?
Retina, pupillary reflex
Which nerve runs parallel to the cephalic vein?
R. superficialis lateralis and medialis of the N. radialis
Where can the N. fibularis superficialis be reached?
Medial of the extensor digitorum lateralis muscle, proximal to the tarsus
Where can the deep fibular nerve be reached in canine?
2 cm from the superficial fibular nerve in a medial direction (dog)
Which vessel runs with the saphenous nerve?
A. & V. femoralis → medial saphenous vein → cranial artery of the medial saphenous vein
Where do you measure the pulse in the metatarsal area?
Dorsally on the A. tibialis cranialis
Which is the main artery of the retina?
A. retinalis centralis → A. ophthalmic → carotid internus
Blood collection sites / intravenous injection sites in canine?
V. saphena lat., V. cephalica, V. jugularis externa
Blood collection sites / intravenous injection sites in equine?
Vena jugularis externa, V. facialis, V. auricularis lat., V. epigastrica cranialis superfacialis
Blood collection sites / intravenous injection sites in swine?
V. cava cranialis, V. auricularis, vein caudalis lateralis
Blood collection sites / intravenous injection sites in ruminants?
V. jugularis externa V. caudalis mediana / sacrococcygea, V. epigastrica caudalis
Pulse points in horse?
Incisura vasorum facialium
transversa faciei - under the crista facialis
A. digitalis palmaris communis II - med. + dist. at MC II
A. mediana cubiti - elbow
Pulse points in canine?
A. femoralis - med. on the thigh
Pulse points in ruminants?
A. coccygealis - vent. On the tail
Also possible: A. facialis + A. palmaris
Which blood vessels supply the thoracic glandulae mammariae?
➔ A. + V. thoracica interna
➔ A. + V. pudenda externa - A. + V. epigastrica supf. - Rami mammariae
Who has the antimesenteric artery?
ru and ca
Which muscle structures run in the sustentaculum tali?
➔ M. flexor digitalis lateralis
➔ M. tibialis caudalis
What forms the Tendo calcaneus communis?
Tendo plantaris: M. flexor digitorum superficialis (OBS)
Tendo achillis: M. gastrocnemius
Tendo accessorius: M. biceps femoris, M. semitendinosus, M. gracilis
Name the gliding surfaces for the flexor tendons of the lower limb in eq.
➔ Proximal scutum: proximal sesamoid bones (+ palmar ligament)
➔ medial scutum: medial palmar ligament + rectum sesamoid ligament + coronary bone
➔ distal scutum: distal sesamoid bones
Which structures run in the upper (proximal) common tendon sheath?
➔ M. flexor digitorum superficialis
➔ M. flexor digitorum profundus
➔ A. digitailis palmaris communis II
➔ N. palmaris medialis ex N. medianus
Which tendon runs under the lateral collateral ligament of the knee?
➔ Tendon of origin of the popliteus muscle
From which meniscus does the meniscofemoral ligament arise in the dog?
➔ From the lateral meniscus insertion
What are the names of the patellar ligaments in cattle?
➔ Lig. Patellae mediale
➔ Lig. Patellae laterale
➔ Lig. Patellae intermediumsecures
Which ligament is attached to the joint capsule of the knee joint?
➔ Medial collateral ligament
Bursa on the knee joint?
➔ Bursa infrapatellaris proximalis (Ca: not)
➔ Bursa infrapatellaris distalis
➔ Bursa subcutanea prepatellarum
➔ Eq: Bursa subligamentose prepatellaris
Which joints does the carpal joint consist of?
➔ Art. Radiocarpal
➔ Art. Ulnocarpeum
➔ Art. Mediocarpeum
➔ Art. Carpometacarpeum
➔ Art. Intercarpea
Joints of the tarsus?
➔ Art. Talocalcanea
➔ Art. Tarsocruralis
➔ Art. Talocalcaneocentralis
➔ Art. Calcaneoquartalis
➔ Art. Centrodistalis
➔ Art. Intertarsea
➔ art tarsodistometatarsea.
Heart sound can be heard furthest cranially?
➔ Pulmonary valves
Where do you find cardiac dullness in cattle on the right side?
No, there is no cardiac depression. The right side of the bovine heart is covered by the lungs
Which lymph node is in front of (cranial) the scapula?
Ln. Cervicalis supf.
Which lymph node is located between the latissimus dorsi muscle and the deep pectoral muscles?
➔ Ln. Axillaris accessorius
Which lymph nodes are located between the legs in dogs?
➔ Ln. Inguinalis (Lnn. Mammaria / Lnn. Scrotalis)
Which lymph nodes do you feel during the rectal examination of the horse?
➔ Ln. Mesenteric cran. + caud. (only if enlarged)
➔ Ln. Caecalis
Name the lymph nodes that are ventral to the paralumbar fossa in horses:
➔ Lnn. Subiliaci
Which mesentery is associated with the kidney?
What is the composition of the omental bursa?
➔ Vestibulum bursae omentalis
➔ aditus ad recessum caudalum
➔ recessus caudalis omentalis
Does the stomach make contact with the abdominal wall in the different ssp?
➔ Ca: No - only sometimes when the stomach is very full.
➔ Su: Yes
➔ Ru: Yes
➔ Eq: No
In which race does the stomach come into contact with the abdominal wall?
Why does the horse’s stomach NOT reach the ventral abdominal wall?
➔ Ascending colon (flexura sternalis + diaphragmatica) touch the abdominal wall, stomach placed dorsally
Where is the spleen in the different species?
➔ Poultry: Left side
➔ Ca: Left abdominal wall, protrudes behind the cartilago costalis, 10-13 ic
➔ Eq: 10-18 intercostal space on the dorsal left side; when the stomach is, it can protrude from the costal arch
➔ Ru: 7 / 8-13 ic
What can cause constipation in eq? In which section of the intestine?
➔ Close Flexura pelvina
➔ Tight transverse colon
➔ ileocaecale at the papilla
➔ if small intestine into the For. epiploicum
Where is the ostium iliocaecale in the horse?
Ventral right side
Where is the small intestine (jejunum) in the horse?
Left dorsal caudal
Where is the pelvic flexure in the horse?
caudal left side
Where is the ampulla coli?
Colon dorsale dextrum
Position of the descending colon?
right side
Where is the expansion of the colon in the horse?
Ampulla Coli - lies on the dorsal colon
Position of the basis caeci?
Right dorsal posterior abdominal cavity - starvation pit / flank
Position of the corpus caeci?
ventral abdominal wall, cranially medial between the ventral colon were
The apex caeci?
➔ Cartilago xiphoidea, ventral and median
Where is the caecum in the horse?
➔ Base caeci: right, caudal, dorsal → flank / starvation pit
➔ Corpus caeci: right, direction ventral (vent. Abdominal wall) tendency to median
➔ Apex caeci: median, on the sternum
What are the Taenia vasculosa in the horse’s cecum?
➔ Taenia medialis
➔ Taenia lateralis
Course of the ileum in horses ?
➔ From left to right
Where is the gallbladder in the dog?
➔ On the right side in the direction of the median plane, between the lobus hepatis quadratus and the lobe hepatis medialis dexter
Which structure lies cranially from the lig. Vesicae lateralis?
➔ Lig. Teres vesicae
Where is the Omasum?
➔ Ventrally in the interthoracic abdominal cavity, on the right side, dorsal to the reticulum
Where is the abomasum located and is it in contact with the abdominal wall?
➔ It is on the right and touches the ventral custom wall.
➔ Yes, inclined to the right ventrally
What is the position of the omasum in relation to the reticulum?
➔ Right dorso-caudal
Position of the reticulum?
➔ 7-9 intercostal space, left ventral abdominal
Where is the attachment of the great omentum in cattle?
Sulcus longitudinalis
What can be found in the rectal examination of the cattle?
➔ Left: rumen, abomasum
➔ Right: intestinum tenue, flexura duodeni caudalis, vesica urinaria, uterus, colon
➔ Middle : both kidneys, left ureter, ovaries
Where can the liver be found in cattle?
➔ To the right of the omasum
Which organ is to the right of the Omasum?
In which direction does the left renal hilum point in cattle?
What is between the dorsal and ventral rumen sac?
➔ Ostium intraruminal
➔ Sulcus longitudinalis dexter + sinister
➔ If asked from the right: with sulcus accessorius → Insula ruminis Ostium ruminalesac
Which rumenis in the omental bursa in ruminants?
➔ The ventral rumen sac
Folds of the rumen
➔ Sulcus accessorius dexter + sinister
➔ Sulcus coronarius dorsalis + ventralis
➔ Sulcus cranialis + caudalis
➔ Sulcus ruminoreticularis
Using TWO of the following: “Left / Right / Medial /Lateral / Proximal / Distal” & neighbouring anatomical structure as a reference point, describe the location of tuber sacrale.
Medial proximal & mediodorsal from the tuber coxae
Using TWO of the following: “Left / Right / Medial /Lateral / Proximal / Distal” & neighbouring anatomical structure as a reference point, describe the location of Greater Tubercle.
Lateral proximal & is craniolateral of the humeral head
Using TWO of the following: “Left / Right / Medial /Lateral / Proximal / Distal” & neighbouring anatomical structure as a reference point, describe the location of Descending Duodenum
Right lateral & ventral to 9th intercostal space to 6th lumbar vertebra and proximal to base of caecum
Using TWO of the following: “Left / Right / Medial /Lateral / Proximal / Distal” & neighbouring anatomical structure as a reference point, describe the location of Fibula
Lateral proximal & lateral to the tibia
Using TWO of the following: “Left / Right / Medial /Lateral / Proximal / Distal” & neighbouring anatomical structure as a reference point, describe the location of Pelvic Flexure
Left medial & in pelvic inlet between coxal tuberosities and the ventral abdominal wall, medial to ileum
Give the Latin name of: Hock
art. tarsi
Give the Latin name of: Distal sesamoid bone
ossa sesamoideum distale
Give the Latin name of: Medial splint bone
Ossa metacarpalia secundum
Give the Latin name of: Pastern bone
Os coronale / Phalanx media
Give the Latin name of Navicular bone
Ossa sesamoideum distale
Number of thoracic vertebrae in Equine
Number of lumbar vertebrae in Canine
Dental formula in horse is 3,1,3(4),3 (Upper) 3,1,3,3 (Lower) true or false?
True or false?: There are 2 separate sinus systems in the Horse
false they all communicate
True or false?: Gastric-like dilatation is located in the left dorsal part of colon
false: in stomach
True or false?: Pelvic flexure goes from dorsal to ventral
false: ventral to dorsal
True or false?: Musculus peroneus longus is part of the stay apparatus
false A. peroneus tertius is
If tuber calcanei is fractured; what can’t the horse do?
Extend hock
If a pin is placed into the calcaneus to stabilize it; which tendons must it go through?
Gastrocnemius and SDF tendons (could not find exact answer so not sure if correct)
Describe the following injection sites; using neighbouring anatomical structures as reference Digital sheath in Eq hindlimb
below hock SDF & DDF in a common sheath, above hock DDF in an independent sheath. All digital extensors have a sheath.
Describe the following injection sites; using neighbouring anatomical structures as reference Lumbosacral region in Dog
Describe the following injection sites; using neighbouring anatomical structures as reference Saphenous vein in Dog
Medial saphenous runs to the femoral vein, lateral saphenous is a branch of the cutaneous caudal femoral vein
Describe the following injection sites; using neighbouring anatomical structures as reference Stifle joint in Eq
Consists of femorotibial articulation (femoral and tibial condyles), femoropatellar articulation (femoral trochlea and the patella), and the proximal tibio-fibular articulation
Which lymph nodes can you feel in rectal examination of a horse?
Mesenteric and cecal (only if enlarged) lymph nodes
What recess can you find at acute margin of the lung?
Recessus costodiaphragmaticus
What are the puncta maxima of the heart?
Where can you find the cardiac dullness of Ru. On the right side?
No cardiac dullness as incisura cardiaca very small due to lungs covering
What urogenital lig. Can be used for orientation during rectal examination of Eq?
Lig. renolienalis
What diverticulum can you feel in rectal examination of Ru?
Sub-urethral diverticulum
Which male accessory gland is found around the neck of the bladder of dog?
What are the injection sites for common peroneal nerve (dog+horse)?
- Eq:12-15 cm prox to calcanean tub. In between long and lateral digital extensors
- Dog: distally mid way between hock and stifle, in the groove between long digital extensor and peroneus longus (for deep perineal nerve) Second option: block nerve where it is palpable at proximal-lateral fibular head (common peroneal nerve)
What is the lateral point of injection into the stifle?
Eq + dog: recess of extensor groove (between tibial tub. & lateral condyle)
Does the perineum cover the cervix?
On which direction run the last limb of duodenum in horse?
Short ascending duodenum runs cranial on the left side
Where is the dilatation of the colon in the horse located?
Ampulla colli located in the right dorsal colon, caudally
Efferent nerve of pupillary reflex?
Occulomotor nerve (III)
What are auscultation / percussion?
- Auscultation: listening, either directly or through a stethoscope, to sounds within the body
- Percussion: tapping on the body surface to detect resonance
Which sound is the first heart sound?
Systolic (closure of the cuspid valves)
Which is the second heart sound?
Diastolic (closure of semilunar valves)
In which species is the stomach is in contact with the wall?
Ru, sus and dog (only when full sometimes)
When can’t you hear the heart sound?
during inspiration
Which species have a suburethral diverticulum?
Ru and Su
Where is the esophagus placed in the upper neck?
Cervically, dorsal to trachea and shifts to left on its way to thoracic part
How many opening of mammary glands in each species?
ca: 10
eq: 2
bo: 2
sow: 12-14
fe: 8
Location of spleen in poultry?
left side
Name the patellar ligaments in cattle?
Medial, intermediate, lateral
Dental formula of dog?
2*(3/3, 1/1, 4/4, 2/3) = 42
Dental formula of Eq?
2*(3/3, 1/1, 3(4)/3, 3/3) = 40(42)
Dental formula of Ru?
2*(0/3, 0/1, 3/3, 3/3) = 32
What is the best place to check pulse in cattle?
Coccygeal artery but also facial and transverse facial arteries
Ribs number in the different species?
Ca:13, Eq: 18, Ru:13, Su:14
Which nerves are anaesthetised when dehorning
Cornual n. (branch of lacrimal – ophthalmic – trigeminal) + C1-C2 (cervical nn.) + n. auricularis caudalis