Questions Flashcards
ASTM C1064/C1064M
The measured temperature of the freshly mixed concrete must be reported to the nearest________.:
1 degree F (0.5C)
ASTM C1064/C1064M
Leave the temperature measuring device in the freshly mixed concrete for at least _____ min.
2 minutes but not more than 5.
ASTM C1064/C1064M
The temperature measuring device shall be capable of accurately measuring the temperature of freshly mixed concrete to ________ throughout a range of __________.
to 1 degree F. range of 30-120 degree F.
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F The temperature of concrete may be measured in a wheelbarrow?
ASTM C1064/C1064M
If the nominal maximum size of aggregate is less than 75 mm (3 in.) you should not leave the temperature measuring device in the freshly mixed concrete for no longer than__________
5 min
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F According to ASTM C1064/C1064M, composite samples are required even if the only purpose for obtaining the sample is to determine temperature.
ASTM C1064/C1064M
The end of the temperature sensing portion of the temperature measuring device is submerged a minimum of __________ into the freshly mixed concrete.
3 inch
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F The temperature of concrete may be measured in a wall form?
ASTM C1064/C1064M
What must be done to the sample container prior to sampling the concrete?
Dampen with Water
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F A maximum temperature of freshly mixed concrete is specified in ASTM C1064/C1064M.
ASTM C1064/C1064M
After the temperature of the concrete is read, what is then required?
Report it
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F Transporting equipment or placement forms are not permitted to be used as the container for determining temperature of freshly mixed concrete?
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F The temperature measure device must remain in the concrete for a minimum of 3 minutes.
False. Minimum of 2 minutes.
ASTM C172/C172M
The elapsed time between obtaining the first and final portions of the composite sample shall not exceed ____ min.
15 minutes
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F The sample of concrete used for temperature determination must be rodded 25 times.
False - no rodding.
ASTM C172/C172M
To obtain a representative sample from a revolving drum truck mixer, regulate the rate of discharge by________.:
the rate of revolution of the drum and not by the size of the gate opening
ASTM C1064/C1064M
T or F Do not remove the temperature measuring device from the concrete when reading the temperature
ASTM C172/C172M
Start molding specimens for strength tests with ______ min after fabricating the composite sample.
ASTM C1064/C1064M
According to ASTM C1064/C104M, what is one reason to take the temperature of concrete?
Verify conformance to a specified requirement for temperature of concrete.
ASTM C172/C172M
The tests for slump and air content, or both, must be started within _____ min after obtaining the final portion of the composite sample.
ASTM C172/C172M
Some test procedures require that concrete be sieved prior to testing. After removing the larger aggregate particles, the batch is then ________.
remixed with a shovel prior to testing.
ASTM C172/C172M
When sampling from a stationary mixer, except for a paving mixer, the technician can ensure a representative sample by __________.
passing a tabernacle completely through the discharge stream
ASTM C172/C172M
When sampling from a paving mixer, Practice C172/C172M permits the composite sample to be obtained how?
sampling 5 different portions of the batch of concrete taken from the pile after discharge.
ASTM C172/C172M
According to Practice C172/C172M, the minimum size of the sample to be used for strength test is _________ L or ft3.
28L or 1ft^3
ASTM C172/C172M
The elapsed time between obtaining the first and final portions of the composite sample shall not exceed ____ min.
15 min
ASTM C172/C172M
Sampling by this practice covers procedures for obtaining representative samples, on which tests are to be performed to determine ________ with quality requirements of the specifications under which the concrete is finished.
ASTM C172/C172M
This practice covers sampling from five types of equipment, which are ________, ________, ________, ________, and ________.
Stationary mixers, paving mixers, revolving drum mixers, and open top mixers
ASTM C172/C172M
To obtain a representative sample from a revolving drum truck mixer, regulate the rate of discharge by________.
ASTM C172/C172M
T or F Portions of a composite sample shall be thoroughly remixed before beginning tests on the sample.
ASTM C172/C172M
The concrete sample must be protected from contamination and ________.
Rapid evaporation
ASTM C172/C172M
When sampling from a stationary mixer, the batch must be sampled at ________ or more regularly spaced intervals during discharge of the middle portion of the batch.
ASTM C172/C172M
When sampling from a paving mixer, obtain samples from at least ________ different portions of the pile and combine them into one composite sample for test purposes.
ASTM C172/C172M
T or F Concrete samples from a truck mixer must be obtained before any water or admixtures are added to the mixer at the job site. True or False?
ASTM C143/C143M
The slump cone is filled in three layers of _________.
one third the volume
ASTM C143/C143M
When performing a slump test, a concrete sample with 2 inches maximum size aggregate what should be done prior to performing the slump test?
Aggregate larger than 1.5” must be removed using a sieve.
ASTM C143/C143M
Complete the entire slump test from the start of filing through removal of the cone without interruption and complete it within an elapsed time of _____ min.
ASTM C143/C143M
The mold for making the slump test is in the shape of ________.
ASTM C143/C143M
The slump is measured as the vertical difference between the top of the mold and the _____.
ASTM C143/C143M
The height of the slump mold is________.
ASTM C143/C143M
In filling and rodding the top layer, if the rodding results in a subsidence of concrete below the top edge of the mold what should you do?
ASTM C143/C143M
T of F The interior surface of the slump mold is allowed to have minor irregularities
ASTM C143/C143M
After the top layer has been rodded, the surface of the concrete is struck of by means of _____.
ASTM C143/C143M
For use in the slump test, the tamping end or both ends of the tamping rod must be ________.
ASTM C143/C143M
If a decided falling away or shearing off of concrete from one side or portion of the mass occurs after lifting the slump test cone you should ______.
ASTM C143/C143M
The sample of concrete for use in making the slump test must be obtained in accordance with practice ________.
ASTM C138/C138M
The minimum capacity of the measure used for density tests is based upon what?
ASTM C138/C138M
When 3.5 inches slump concrete is consolidated in a 0.5 cubic foot measure you should consolidate by means of ________.
ASTM C138/C138M
Calculate the density of concrete in pounds per cubic foot, given the following information:
V= 0.35 cf
Mass of empty measure 15.3 lbs
Mass of measure plus concrete 66.8 lbs
ASTM C138/C138M
What is the air content (in percent) of the following concrete batch?
Theoretical density computed on an air-free basis 144 pounds per cubic foot
Actual Density 138 pounds per cubic foot
ASTM C138/C138M
Calculate the yield in cubic yards of the following concrete batch:
Total mass of all materials batched: 28,950 pounds
Actual density of the concrete: 137.5 pounds per cubic foot
ASTM C138/C138M
The Diameter of the tamping rod used in this test method is ________.
ASTM C138/C138M
What is relative yield?
ASTM C138/C138M
What is the required minimum frequency of the vibrator used in this test method?
ASTM C138/C138M
Upon completion of consolidation, if the concrete is protruding ¾ inch above the top of the measure you should ______.
ASTM C138/C138M
What is the minimum thickness for a glass or acrylic strike off plate?
ASTM C138/C138M
The top of the concrete in a measure used in ASTM C138/C138 M is struck off with a _______.
ASTM C138/C138M
Air meter bowls used for this test must conform to test method ________ and be calibrated for volume according to test method ________.
ASTM C138/C138M
For a measure of 14 L (0.5 ft^3), what is the required number of strokes of the tamping rod for consolidation of each layer?
ASTM C231/C231M
T or F According to ASTM C231/C231M, the aggregate correction factor must be determined in order to accurately calculate air content
ASTM C138/C138M
When rodding the middle and the top layers, the tamping rod should penetrate into the layer below approximately ________.
ASTM C231/C231M
T or F If water collects in the air chamber of a Type B meter, it must be bled to prevent error in subsequent measures.
ASTM C138/C138M
After consolidation of the final layer, an excess of concrete ________ above the top of the measure is considered optimum.
ASTM C231/C231M
What is the minimum allowable capacity of the measuring bowl used in this test method?
ASTM C138/C138M
What method of consolidation must be used when the slump is less than 25mm (1 in.)?
ASTM C231/C231M
Stabilizing the gauge hand of a Type B meter at the initial pressure line is accomplished by _______.
ASTM C138/C138M
What method of consolidation must be used when the slump is greater than 75mm (3 in.)?
ASTM C231/C231M
If the concrete sample is to be consolidated by rodding, the measure is filled in ________ layers
ASTM C231/C231M
The pressure method of determining air content cannot be used on concrete containing the following types of aggregate: ________, ________, ________.
ASTM C231/C231M
According to TM C231/C231M the optimum amount of concrete removed during strike off is ____inches.
ASTM C231/C231M
ASTM C231/C231M is intended for use with concretes and mortars made with what type of aggregate?
ASTM C231/C231M
When performing the pressure test using a Type B meter, water is injected through one petcock using a rubber syringe until ______.
ASTM C231/C231M
If the concrete sample is to be consolidated by vibration, the measure is filled in ________ layers.
ASTM C231/C231M
When consolidating the concrete by vibration, how many times should the vibrator be inserted into each layer?
ASTM C231/C231M
If the slump of concrete is ¾”, consolidation should be accomplished by means of ______.
ASTM C231/C231M
After reading the percentage of air on the pressure gauge in a Type B meter, the next step is to release the pressure by _______.
ASTM C231/C231M
Vibration of the concrete sample is not allowed when the slump of concrete exceeds ________.
ASTM C231/C231M
What tools may be used to strike off the top surface of the concrete following consolidation of the final layer?
ASTM C231/C231M
According to ASTM C231/231M, when the method of consolidation is vibration you should______.
ASTM C231/C231M
Calculate the air content (in %) of a concrete sample, based upon the following information.
Type B meter used
Aggregate correction factor: 0.75
Reading on the pressure gage: 5.8%
ASTM C231/C231M
What must be done if there is a slight deficiency in the quality of concrete in the measure following consolidation of the final layer?
ASTM C231/C231M
What must be done if there is an excessive amount of concrete in the measure following consolidation of the final layer?
ASTM C173/C173M
The addition of alcohol to dispel foam after the initial filling of the meter to the zero mark is______.
ASTM C173/C173M
After rodding and tapping the final layer, ASTM C173/C173M requires the excess concrete to be struck off with a _________.
ASTM C173/C173M
The volumetric method of determining air content of concrete can be used on concrete containing what types of aggregate?
ASTM C173/C173M
What are the requirements for the strike off bar used in this test method?
ASTM C173/C173M
After an initial meter reading has been recorded, the next meter reading should be recorded as the final meter reading if this meter reading has not changed by more than _____ percent from the initial meter reading.
ASTM C173/C173M
ASTM C173 covers determination of the air content of freshly mixed concrete containing what type of aggregate?
ASTM C173/C173M
What is the approximate volume of the measuring cup used to add water to the air meter, in relation to the volume of the air meter bowl?
ASTM C173/C173M
When filling the measuring bowl of the air meter, the concrete must be placed in ________ layers of equal volume.
ASTM C173/C173M
The air content as determined by the volumetric method is reported to the nearest _____ percent.
ASTM C173/C173M
Immediately after the water and alcohol are added and the watertight cap is tightened the next step is to _____.
ASTM C173/C173M
What is the specified number of strokes required when rodding each layer of concrete?
ASTM C173/C173M
How long should the air meter be inverted and agitated?
ASTM C173/C173M
What is the air content (in percent) of the following concrete sample?
Final meter reading 6.25%
Amount of alcohol used: 2 pints
ASTM C173/C173M
After the test, if portions of undisturbed concrete are found in the apparatus after disassembly you should ______.
ASTM C173/C173M
How many times does the rolling operation occur?
ASTM C173/C173M
Why is the isopropyl alcohol added to the meter?
ASTM C173/C173M
The direct reading of the final liquid level, in the neck of the air meter, is estimated to the nearest ________.
ASTM C173/C173M
If the air content is greater than the 9% range of the meter, ________.
ASTM C173/C173M
T or F In order for an initial meter reading to be valid, the meter must not be leaking, the liquid level must stabilize within 6 min., and the foam on the surface of the liquid must not be greater than 2 full percent divisions.
ASTM C173/C173M
T or F If less than 1.25 L (2.5 pt) of alcohol are used, the air content is always indicated by the final meter reading.
ASTM C173/C173M
If more than 1.25 L (2.5 pt) of alcohol are used, the final meter reading is always adjusted using ________.
ASTM C173/C173M
When larger amounts of alcohol are used, the direct reading will tend to indicate a ________ air content.
ASTM C173/C173M
At the end of the procedure, the air meter is ________.
ASTM C173/C173M
If portions of undisturbed concrete are found in the air meter at the end of the test, ________.
For acceptance testing for specified compressive strength, cylinders shall be ___” by ___ ” or ___” by ___”
When casting a 4” by 8” cylinder, you should fill the cylinder in ______ layers of approximately equal depth.
The sample of concrete used in molding test specimens must be obtained in accordance with what ASTM practice?
T or F After molding test specimens, you should wait two hours before moving them to the location of initial storage.
ASTM C143/C143M
T or F The slump mold should be in a dry condition before beginning the test.
ASTM C143/C143M
The approximate concrete depth (in vertical distance) after placing the first layer is ________, and the second layer is ________.
ASTM C143/C143M
The surface on which the slump mold will be placed must be ________.
ASTM C143/C143M
T or F After the final rodding, the sides of the slump mold should be tapped lightly with the tamping rod.
ASTM C143/C143M
How much time is allowed for lifting the slump mold?
ASTM C143/C143M
The slump of the concrete is measured and reported to the nearest ________
The supporting surface on which specimens are stored shall be level within ________.
When rodding a standard 150 mm by 300 mm (6 by 12 in.) cylinder, each layer must be rodded ________ times.
If the top surface of a test specimen is damaged during movement to the pace of initial storage you should ______.
How soon after striking off compressive strength specimens, must they be moved to the location of initial storage?
Practice C31/C31M gives standardized requirements for ________, ________, ________, and ________, of test specimens.
For cylinders with a diameter of 150 mm (6 in.) or greater, the tamping rod must be a round, straight steel rod with a diameter of ________.
Whether concrete test specimens are field cured or standard cured depends upon what:
When using light gauge single use cylinder molds that are susceptible to denting or other permanent distortion if tapped with a mallet you should tap the outside of the mold with _____.
The minimum frequency of an internal vibrator used in this procedure is ________.
A 150 by 300 mm (6 by 12 in.) cylinder mold can be used for concrete containing aggregate with particles not exceeding ________ in size, without the need for wet sieving the concrete.
An acceptable way to identify freshly molded specimens is by ______.
The temperature range specified for initial curing after molding test specimens with a specified strength great than 6000 psi for up to 48 hours is between _____ and _____ degree F.
When consolidating a flexural strength test specimen by rodding, rod one stroke for each ________ of top surface area.
When internal vibration is used to consolidate a standard flexural strength test specimen, the technician should insert the vibrator at intervals not exceeding ________ along the center line of the beam.
What must occur before a sample of concrete can be taken from a revolving drum mixer?
All water and admixtures must be added to the mixer
When sampling from a stationary or revolving drum mixer, what is collected and when is it taken during discharge?
In two or more portions of concrete, at regularly spaced intervals, from the middle of the batch
How are the sample portions obtained from the discharge stream of a stationary or revolving drum mixer?
Repeatedly pass a receptacle through the entire discharge stream, completely divert the discharge stream into a sample container.
Describe the procedure for collecting a sample from a paving mixer.
Discharge the contents of the paving mixer, obtain samples from at least five different portions of the pile
What is the minimum size for a sample when strength test specimens are to be molded
1 ft^3 or 28L
What is the maximum allowable time between obtaining the first and final portions of the composite sample
15 min
What action is required after the individual concrete samples have been transported to the place where tests are to be performed?
Combine and remix the samples with a shovel
What should be done if the concrete contains aggregate larger than is appropriate for the size of the molds or equipment being used?
Wet sieving (screening)
Start the test for slump, temperature, and air content within how many minutes after obtaining the final portion of the composite sample?
5 min
Start molding specimens for strength tests within how many minutes after fabricating the composite sample?
15 min
From what must the concrete sample be protected?
Sun, wind, rapid evaporation, contamination