Questions Flashcards
What are they key themes in the merchant of Venice?
Love, money, racism, appearance vs. Reality, loyalty and betrayal
Who is Antonio?
The merchant
Who is Bassanio?
A prodigal fool in love with Portia
Who is Portia?
A smart, racist and rich heiress
Who is Nerissa?
Portias maid and Gratianos love interest
Who is Shylock?
A vengeful, business Jew
Who is Jessica?
Shylock daughter and Lorenzos love interest
Who is Lorenzo?
Bassianos friend and Jessica’s love interest
Who is Gratiano?
Bassanios chatty friend who wants Nerissa
Who are Salanio and Salarino?
Bassanios friends, interchangeable characters
Who is Gobbo?
Lancalots blind father
Who is Lancelot?
Gobbos son, used to work for Shylock, now works for Bassanio and is friends with Jessica
Who is Tubal?
Shylocks Jew friend
Who is the prince of Aragon?
Spanish prince that wanted Portias hand in marriage
Who is the Morocco?
Prince of Morocco who wanted Portias hand in marriage
How to produce a play
• When and where would your scene be set? Would it be classical or modern?
• What type of stage would you use?
• How would you design your set?
• What props would be required?
• What lighting and/or sound effects would be needed to bring your scene to life?
• How would you position the characters on the stage?
• What advice would you give to the characters about how they should deliver their lines?
• What facial expressions or gestures should they use?
• Your answer should include quotation from the play where relevant.
Describe the plot of this play.
- Who is Antonio, Portia, Bassanio, Shylock and Nerissa
- Bassanio’s debt
- Shylock’s injustices
- Bassanio and Portia’s relationship (3 caskets)
- Antonio’s near-death experience
- Portia’s cunningness (loyalty test on Bassanio and saving Antonio)