Questions Flashcards
You are working in the casualty of a District Hospital. A patient comes to the hospital without a referral letter and is turned away by the nurse and told to go to her local clinic first
a) List 5 possible reasons for the patient going straight to the hospital. (5)
- No access to clinic-distance, transport, hours, clinic closed
- Desire to be seen by medical doctors
- No Medication
- Long queues
- No equipment, e.g X-ray, lab
- Stigma-attached to the clinic or the patient’s disease.
- Loss of confidence in the care given at the clinic
- Lack of education about the referral system
You are working in the casualty of a District Hospital. A patient comes to the hospital without a referral letter and is turned away by the nurse and told to go to her local clinic first
(b) Discuss the reasons for the hospital turning them away and telling them to go to the clinic
First. (4)
- First contact should be at local clinic
- Clinics are free
- Cost efficiency (hospitals more expensive per visit)
- Avoid duplication of services
- Continuity of care/follow up
You are working in the casualty of a District Hospital. A patient comes to the hospital without a referral letter and is turned away by the nurse and told to go to her local clinic first.
(c) Describe what should be done before a patient is turned away from a medical facility. (3)
- Triage:
°Patient education
Describe the 5 methods to decrease the number of patients with TB in a village:
- Educate community about TB- Spread, infectivity, precipitating factors, common features, ways of minimizing spread and guide to follow when a community member is suspected to have TB.
- Adequate treatment of identified people with TB- Isolation for the first 2 weeks of treatment when pt is most infective.
- Screen ALL people who are in close contact with infected person and treat appropriately. Screening should be done at least twice on close contacts.
- Make treatment for TB in closest clinic to the village available at all times and educate pts about the treatment, the number, side effects, desired effects of anti-TB drugs. Also educate about the length, complications of not/or taking drugs.
- Treat active cases.
Clinical associate graduates have difficulty in transferring patients from the district hospital to a higher level. Discuss how this situation could be addressed. (5)
- Educate about the scope of practice of CA
- CA assess patients
- Make a diagnosis
- Prescribe treatment
- Do minor surgery under supervision
Who has the responsibility to notify medical conditions? (3marks)
The first person to be in contact with the patient.
It can either be a community healthcare worker, a nurse, a clinical associate, a doctor, or a private practitioner.
Explain the:
a) CATEGORY A notifiable medical condition. (2marks)
b) CATEGORY B notifiable medical condition. (1 mark)
a) Requires to be reported immediately using the most rapid means upon clinical or laboratory diagnosis, followed by a written or electronic notification within 24 hours of diagnosis.
b) Requires to be reported through a written or electronic notification within 7 days of clinical or laboratory diagnosis but preferably as soon as possible.
List 10 examples of notifiable medical conditions using the following table. (10)
CATEGORY A notifiable medical conditions:
- Rabies, human
- Anthrax
- Meningococcal infections
- Cholera
- Plague
- Hemorrhagic fever (African)
- COVID-19
- Measles
- Pertussis
- typhoid fever
CATEGORY B notifiable medical conditions:
- Viral (acute) hepatitis A
- Viral (acute) hepatitis B
- Tetanus
- Pulmonary TB & extra
- Congenital syphilis
Describe the essential data to be included in comprehensive referral latter. (10 marks)
- Name of referring center(hospital, community health center/ clinic).
- Name & contact details of the referring personnel.
- Name, or institution and contact details of the person receiving the referral.
- Patient details (Name, surname, age, gender, etc).
- Date that the patient was seen in OPD or date of admission of the patient in referring center.
- Diagnosis of the patient or current problem along with investigations.
- Reason for referral
- Recommendations to the person receiving the patient on how manage the patient.
- Medication that the patient is discharged on from the referring hospital or clinic.
- Signature of the referring person.
Principles of Primary health care. (5marks)
All Idots Can Enjoy
- Appropriate technology
- Intersectoral cooperation
- Community participation
- Equitable ditribution
- Health promotion.
Outline 8 essential health services in primary health care (4 marks)
- Maternal services (antenatal, theatres, post-natal).
- Emergency curative services (casualty).
- Immunization services (PMTCT, child health services).
- Rehabilitation services (physiotherapy, dietitian).
- Diagnostic (Radiology, Blood & specimen laboratories).
- Preventative (Counselling HIV & other diseases).
- Sending and receiving referrals & CSSD services for sterilization of instrument to be used in procedures.
- Curative services (OPD, wards)
5 types of Cares/Pillors in primary health care
- Promotive
- Preventive
- Palliative/supportive care
- Rehabilitation
- Curative
The ultimate goal of primary health care is better health for all. List 5 elements to achieve this goal. (5 marks)
- E- Edemic diseases (Prevent & control)
- N- Nutrition
- D- essential Drugs
- E-Education
- M- Maternal & child care + promotes Mental health care
- I-Immunization
- C- Common diseases & Injuries
- S- Sanitation
List Patient’s Rights
- Healthy and safety
- Participation in decision making.
- Access to health care
- Knowledge of one’s health insurance/medical aid scheme.
- Choice of health services
- Treated by a named health care provider
- Confidentiality and privacy
- Informed consent
- Refusal to treatment
- A second opinion
- Continuity of care
- Complaints about health services.
What are the patient’s responsibilities
- To take care of his/her own health
- To care for and protect the environment
- To respect the rights of other patients and health care providers
- To utilize the health care system properly and not to abuse it
- To know his/her local health care services and what they provide
- To provide health care provider with relevant and accurate information for diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation or counseling procedures
- To advice health care provider about his/her wishes with regards to his/her death.
- To comply with the prescribed treatment or rehabilitation procedures
- To enquire about the related costs of treatment and/ rehabilitation and to arrange for payment
- To take care of the health records in his/her possession.
Batho Pele principles
- Consultation
- Service standards
- Access
- Courtesy
- Information
- Opennes and transparency
- Redress
- Value for money
Why are vaccine important?
- Prevent motility and morbidity
- To achieve herd immunity and prevent ongoing transmission
- Lowers the possibility of a pathogen to circulate in the community, and protects those who can not be vaccinated (due to health conditions, e.g. Allergies or their age)
What are the types of referrals
- Internal referral.
- External referral
- Emergency referral
Clinical discipline that should be provided at a District Hospital
- Family medicine & Primary health care.
- Medicine.
- Obstetrics
- Psychiatry
- Eye care
- Rehabilitation
- Surgery
- Pediatric
- Geriatric
What are the core ethical values and standards required of a health care provider?
- Respect for persons.
- Best interest or well-being
- Best interest or well-being: Beneficence
- Human rights
- Autonomy (honor pts rights)
- Integrity
- Truthfulness
- Confidentiality
- Compassion
- Tolerance
- Justice
- Professional competence and self-improvement
- Community
How to implement Infection prevention and control measures with patients with suspected or confirmed Covid-19?
Instructions for patients
- Wearing of mask
- Direct the patient to a separate area (isolate)
- Keep a 1-2m distance from people.
- Instruct all patients to cover nose and mouth during coughing or sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow
- Wash your hands and/ use 70% alcohol hand sanitizer
How to implement Infection prevention and control measures with patients with suspected or confirmed Covid-19?
- Apply standard precautions
- Hand hygiene
- Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Appropriate patient placement
- Prevention of needle-stick or sharps injury
- Safe waste management
- Cleaning and disinfecting of equipment & environment
What are the Components of and ideal clinic?
- Administration
- Integrated clinical service management
- Medicines, supplies and laboratory services
- Human resources for health
- Support services
- Infrastructure
- Health information management
- Communication
- District health system support
- Implementing partners and stakeholders
Component: Administration
- Signage and notices
- Staff identity and dress code
- Patient service organization
- Management of patient records