Questions Flashcards
Sorts people into categories of all good or all bad
Immature Defense Mechanism
Denies unwanted feelings in the self and attributes them to others
Returns to an earlier developmental level of functioning to avoid unwanted feelings
Hides thoughts and feelings from the consciousness
Partial display of more childish level of development for age
Adopts and models behaviors of another person (usually of authority)
Only focusing on positive traits of self or others and overlooking their flaws
Acting out
Expressing unwanted feelings via behaviors
Transferring an unwanted feeling from one to another usually one in a neutral position
Reaction formation
Turns unacceptable feelings into their opposite
Justifying behavior to avoid difficult truths
Focusing on non-emotional aspects to avoid distressing feelings
Makes light of uncomfortable thoughts or feelings
Doing things for others as a way to deal with painful feelings or thoughts
An uncomfortable thought or feeling goes directly from unconsciousness to consciousness in a useful or productive form
A conscious and purposeful decision to put a thought or feeling out of one’s mind
Blastomycosis (Location and Clinical Features)
Location: Great lakes region (Michigan), Ohio River basin, Mississippi River Basin
Clinical: Constitutional symptoms (fever, night sweats)
Inflammatory lung disease (granulomas)
Verrucous skin lesions
Lytic bone lesions
Obturator Nerve (level, sensory area, and motor innervation)
Medial thigh
Motor: obturnator externus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis, pectineus, adductor magnus
Femoral Nerve (level, sensory area, and motor innervation)
anterior thigh, medial leg
quadriceps, iliacus, pectineus, sartorius
Sciatic (level, sensory area, and motor innervation)
No sensory
Semitendinosus, semimembranous, biceps femoris, adductor magnus
Common peroneal/fibular (level, sensory area, and motor innervation) Superficial branch
Superificial - innervates lateral portion of leg
Sensory dorsum of foot
Motor - peroneus longus and brevis
Common peroneal/fibular - deep branch ((level, sensory area, and motor innervation)
Deep - innervates anterior portion of leg
Web space between hallux and second digit
Tibialis anterior
Tibial (level, sensory area, and motor innervation)
Sole of foot
Biceps femoris (long head), triceps surae, plantaris, popliteus, flexor muscle of foot
Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia defect
defect in apo E
Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia Lab values
Elevated chylomicron remnants, VLDL, IDL and LDL
Normal HDL
Fracture at midshaft of humerus results in what nerve e being damaged?
Radial nerve - innervates hand and wrist extensors
Fracture at the surgical neck of the humerus results in what nerve being damaged?
Axillary nerve
Innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles - weakness of external rotation and abduction of the arm
This can also happen with anterior shoulder dislocation
Direct Inguinual Hernia
Medial to inferior epigastric vessel, transverse inguinal (Hesselbach) triangle, covered by peritneum
Indirect Inguinal hernia
Lateral to inferior epigastric vessel, transverse deep and superficial ring, covered by peritoneum and spermatic fasciae
Femoral Hernia
enters anterior thigh through femoral ring, inferior to inguinal ligament
Epigastric hernia
near midline passing around linea alba
Migraine headaches increase the risk of what neuro thing?
Cerebral vascular accidents
Pts with hypovolemic shock from volume depletion present with (inc/dec CO, Inc/dec cardiac index, inc/dec systemic vascular resistance, and low/high cardiac filling pressure)
Low CO, low cardiac index, high systemic vascular resistance, tachycardia, and low cardiac filling pressure
decreased blood volume -> dec filling pressures and CO -> dec arterial BP and volume -> inc sympathetic activity (inc peripheral resistance, HR, contractility) & inc release of ADH (inc water retention) & inc renin release (inc aldosterone)
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia E (Job’s syndrome) triad
eczema, eosinophilia, and recurrent skin and pulmonary infections
Autosomal dominant
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
thrombocytopenic purpura, eczema and frequent infections. Usually see decreased IgM X-linked recessive
Chronic granulomatous disease
Lack of NADPH oxidase (negative nitroblue tetrazolium dye test)
Suspectible to infections by catalase positive organisms (S. aureus, E. coli, Aspergillus)
Partial albinism, peripheral neuropathy, and recurrent infections by staph or strep species.
Autosomal recessive
Defect in microtubular function -> dysfunctional phagocytosis
Chapmans Point for Larnyx
second rib near the costochondral junction
v wave on JVP waveform reflects what?
Right atrium
Will be accentuated v wave with tricuspid regurg
when does v wave occur on JVP
when the RA is filling behind the closed tricuspid valve
Infraspinatus and teres minor do what?
Externally rotate the arm
Subscapularis does what to arm?
Internally rotates arm
Primary hypothyroidism labs
Decreased T4 and increased TSH. T3 not usually affected since it is produced by conversion from T4 in peripheral tissues
Dihydropridines (drug names and MOA)
nifedipine, amlodipine, felodipine
inhibit the L-type Ca channels on arterial smooth muscle causing vasodilation with little or no effect on cardiac conduction or contractility
Nondihydropyridines (drug names and MOA)
Verapamil, diltiazem
inhibit the L-type calcium channel, affect the myocardium slowing HR (negative chronotropic effect) and reducing contractility (negative ionotropic effect)
Postpartum thyroiditis (pathophysiology and labs)
autoimmune destruction of thyroid follicles and release of preformed thyroid hormone
lymphocytic infiltrates +/- germinal centers
Has a brief hyperthyroid phase, then hypothyroid phase, then return to euthyroid state
DX: inc serum thyroglobulin, dec radioiodine uptake
US show diffuse thyroid enlargement with dec blood flow
What is a good initial therapy for pt with DM neuropathy
SNRI, gabapentinoids, or tricyclic depressants
Ventricular Septal defect description of defect
loud blowing holosystolic murmur at the mid to lower left sternal border and no symptoms. Usually not heard at birth but 4-10 days later
Kluver-Bucy syndrome (location of lesion and symptoms)
bilateral lesions of the amygdalae, and pts present with an absence of emotions including decreased fear and aggression, loss of facial animation, hyperoralitiy, and a marked increase in sexual drive and libido
Actions of biceps femoris
knee flexion and hip extension
Anterior radial head dysfunction forearm prefers pronation or supination?
Prefers supination and is restricted in pronation
Medial umbilical ligaments are remnants of what?
Umbilical arteries
Median umbilical ligament is a remnant of what?
Ligamentum arteriosum is a remnant of what?
ductus arteriosus
Ligamentum teres (round ligament of the liver) is a remnant of what?
Umbilical vein
Ligament venosum is a remnant of what?
ductus venosus running in the porta hepatis
Muscle used in exhalation rib ME for rib 1
anterior and middle scalenes
Muscle used in exhalation rib ME for rib 2
posterior scalene
Muscle used in exhalation rib ME for rib 3-5
pectoralis minor
Muscle used in exhalation rib ME for rib 6-8
serratus anterior
Muscle used in exhalation rib ME for rib 9-10
latissimus dorsi
Muscle used in exhalation rib ME for rib 11-12
quadratus lumborum
Chediak Higashi syndrome
Autosomal recessive
affects vesicle fusion and lysosome transport that results in neurologic abnormalities, partial albinism, and immunodeficiency caused by defective neutrophil and natural killer cell function. Have recurrent pyogenic infections
Letrozole MOA and effect
aromatase inhibitor, acts on the ovary and peripheral adipose tissue to inhibit androgen to estrogen conversion by the enzyme aromatase, the subsequent decrease in estrogen production causes the pituitary to release more FSH and LH -> stimulating ovulation
Increases in physiologic dead space occur in what lung diseases?
Pulmonary embolism, emphysema, and acute respiratory distress syndrome
Low tidal volume (increases or decreases) dead space ventilation?
Increased levels of what substance the helps to improve oxygen carrying capacity are typically seen in COPD
Erythropoietin by interstitial cells in the renal medulla and cortex release erythropoietin to stimulate bone marrow to increase RBC production. Secondary polycythemia
Which thyroid condition has a painful thyroid enlargement?
Subacute granulomatous (de Quervain) thyroiditis
What does the biopsy show with subaucte granulomatous thyroiditis?
Mixed inflammatory infiltrate with macrophages and multinucleated giant cells
What does the biopsy show with Hashimoto thyroiditis
Lymphocytic infiltrate with well-developed germinal centers
PCP (phencyclidine) class and intoxication symptoms
Violent behavior, dissociation, hallucinations, amnesia, nystagmus, ataxia
LSD class and intoxication symptoms
Visual hallucinations, euphoria, dysphoria/panic, tachycardia, HTN
Cocaine class and intoxication symptoms
Euphoria, agitation/psychosis, chest pain, seizures, tachycardia/HTN, mydriasis
Methamphetamine class and intoxication symptoms
Violent behavior, psychosis, diaphoresis, tachycardia/HTN, choreiform movements, teeth decay
Marijuana class and intoxication symptoms
Increased appetite, euphoria, dysphoria/panic, slow reflexes, impaired time perception, dry mouth, conjunctival injection
Heroin (class and overdose symptoms)
Euphoria, depressed mental status, miosis, respiratory depression, constipation
Most common cause of ASD is failure of closure of what?
Ostium secundum
Eisenmenger syndrome
caused by reversal of blood flow through an uncorrected ASD, VSD, or patent ductus arteriosus. Results in dyspnea, cyanosis and pulmonary hypertension
Fixed splitting of the S2 heart sound characteristic of what?
Sheehan syndrome
infarction of the pituitary gland, secondary to significant postpartum bleeding causing hypoperfusion of the pituitary gland - cause a decrease in hormones produced by the anterior pituitary (FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, prolactin, and GH).
Mucosal neuromas, marfanoid body habitus, medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma
Mutation in RET (proto-oncogene)
Autosomal dominant
Parathyroid hyperplasia
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Mutation in RET (Proto-oncogene)
3 P's Pituitary adenoma Parathyroid hyperplasia Pancreatic tumors (gastrinoma, insulinoma, vipoma, glucagonoma) Mutation in MEN1 gene
Pathophysiology of edema in nephrotic syndrome
decreased plasma protein -> leads to decreased oncotic pressure thus less force for pulling fluid back into capillaries
Acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
follows a recent viral infection, seen in young kids
Antibody against GbIIb/IIIa that triggers splenic destruction of platelets. Leads to bone marrow production of platelets being increased and increased megakaryocytes in the marrow
Leydig cells produce what?
rod-shaped intracytoplasmic crystal-like inclusions with rounded ends. Describes what and what diagnosis is it associated with?
Reinke crystals and Leydig tumor (sex cord-stromal tumor, MC)
Sickle cell disease mutation? Is sickle cell AR or AD?
Point mutation in hemoglobin causing glutamic acid to be replaced by valine
Autosomal recessive
What is located at the same level as the angle of Louis
bifurcation of the trachea (carina)
Loop diuretic (names, MOA, and where in kidney)
Furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide
Inhibit Na/K/2Cl at thick ascending loop of Henle
Decrease preload and Ca reabsorption in the kidney
Ethyacrynic acid can be used in pt with sulfa allergy!!
Loop diuretic adverse effects (remember mnemonic)
Ototoxicity, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, dehydration, allergy (sulfa), metabolic alkalosis, nephritis (interstitial), gout
Foreign bodies are most likely to enter which lobe and why?
lower lobe of the R lung since the right mainstem bronchus is more vertical than the L mainstem bronchus
Supracondylar humeral fractures commonly occur after hyperextension of the elbow as a result of fall onto an outstretched arm and damage what nerve?
Radial nerve (runs along anterolateral aspect of the elbow)
Test used to compare the means of 2 groups
two sample t test
Majority of water reabsorption in the nephron occurs where?
Proximal tubule
Medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus receives what input?
Auditory input and delivers it to the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe
Pentad for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Fever, anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal failure, neurologic symptoms (headache, confusion)
APC tumor suppressor or oncogene?
Tumor suppressor
Friedrich ataxia (mutation, symptoms, most common cause of death)
AR disorder caused by trinucleotide repeat GAA that causes poor mitochondrial function. Staggering gait, nystagmus, pes cavus, and hammer toes are characteristic. Most common cause of death is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Disseminated gonococcal infection symptoms and what usually causes it?
migratory polyarthralgia, septic arthritis, tenosynovitis, and dermatitis (vesiculopustular eruption on palms, arms, and legs)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Tx with ceftriaxone
In sacral torsion with positive spring test or backward bending is sacrum flexed or extended and is L5 following Type 1 or 2 fryettes?
L5 following type 2 and will be rotated and sidebent the same way as the axis so if R on L will be sidebent and rotated L
Symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome are due to neurovascular compression between what 2 muscles?
Anterior and middle scalenes
Celiac artery supplies what abdominal organs?
portions of pancreas and duodenum
Superior mesenteric artery supplies what abdominal organs?
Portions of the duodenum, pancreas, and ascending and transverse colone
Inferior mesenteric artery supplies what abdominal organs?
transverse colon, descending and sigmoid colon and rectum
Posterior cord of brachial plexus is composed of which nerves
Axillary and radial
So issues with shoulder abduction and elbow, wrist and finger extension
Colchicine MOA and side effects
inhibits tubulin polymerization into microtubules and can be used for acute treatment and prophylaxis of gout. Important side effects of colchicine include nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema will have elevated or normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure? Examples?
Acute respiratory distress syndrome, high altitude pulmonary edema
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema will have elevated or normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure? Examples?
decompensated left ventricular failure, volume overload
Zolpidem MOA
short acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic agent that is a GABAa agonist.
Pilocystic astrocytoma in kids or adults? Benign or malignant? Where do they occur? What is on CT or MRI?
Most common benign in kids.
Usually occur in cerebellum
Unilocular or multiocular cyst with an associated tumor nodule
Histology seen in 2-4 hrs after MI
abundant granulocyte emigration
Histology seen in 4-12 hrs after MI
early coagulative necrosis is seen upon histologic evaluation as neutrophils begin to migrate towards the recently infarcted area to degrade tissue.
Histology seen 5-10 days after MI
neutrophils replaced by macrophages
Histology seen 7-10 days after MI
fibroblasts with type III collagen synthesis
Histology seen 7-8 weeks after MI
dense type I scar tissue
Rett syndrome mutation and symptoms
Deletion of MECP2 gene on X chrosome
Female child presents with regression of milestones and constant midline hand movements (clapping or wringing)
APGAR (what does it stand for?)
Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respirations
Axillary nerve (compartment of arm and primary action)
abduct, flex, extend shoulder
surgical neck fracture or anterior humerus dislocation causes issues
Radial nerve (compartment of arm and primary action)
posterior arm and posterior forearm
Extend elbow wrist, thumb digits
Axilla or midshaft fracture causes issues
Musculocutaneous nerve (compartment of arm and primary action)
Anterior arm (biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis) flex elbow
Ulnar nerve (compartment of arm and primary action)
anterior forearm (minor) and palm of hand
ulnar deviation of wrist, gripping, abduction and adduction of digits 2-5
fall on outstretched hand (damage hamate) or medial epicondylar fracture causes issues
Ulnar claw - unable to flex digits 4-5
Median nerve (compartment of arm and primary action)
Anterior forearm and palm of hand (minor)
1/2LOAF (1st and 2nd lumbricals, opponens pollicus, abductor pollicus brevis, flexor pollicus brevis)
flex wrist, flex digits, flexion, abduction, opposition of thumb
Supracondylar fracture causes issues - benediction sign unable to flex first 3 digits
Von Hippel Lindua disease (AD or AR), where is deletion (what chromosome) and clinical features
deletion of VHL gene on chromosome 3p
Hemangioblastomas, bilateral renal cell carcinomas, pheochromocytomas
Nephroblastoma/Wills Tumor
Peak age 3-4 years
Mass seldom crosses midline
Intrinsic to kidney on imaging (claw sign)
Rings have true lumens
Calcifications and paraneoplastic effects are rare
Peak age <2 yo mass often crosses midline extrinsic to kidney on imaging calcifications are common rings contain neural filaments paraneoplastic effects (neurologic) are common
Becks Triad (symptoms and what they dx)
jugular venous distension
distant or muffled heart sounds
Pericardial tamponade (or cardiac tamponade)
Obstructive Lung Disease PFT findings and example
Emphysema and COPD
Increasing airway resistance and lung compliance
decreased FEV1/FVC
Increases in TLC, FRC and RV
Thiamine is a cofactor for what enzymes (5 things)
transketolase, alpha-ketoglutarate, dehydrogenase, branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase
Wernicke encephalopathy
what is it caused by and symptoms?
thiamine (vit B1) deficiency is characterized by dementia, nystagmus, and/or ophthalmoplegia and ataxia. The symptoms can be precipitated or worsened when a malnourished pt receives glucose before being supplemented with thiamine
Ewing sarcoma (malignant or benign) what is translocation associated with it? Population it affects and part of bone (metaphysis, epiphysis, or diaphysis)?
Malignant bone tumor in young males
Affects diaphysis of long bones
t(11;22) translocation - transcription factor
Histologically - anaplastic, small blue cells
Indirect coombs tests for what?
Used to test for antibodies in a serum
antibodies to Rh+ cells test whether these antibodies are present in the maternal serum
Direct coombs
Test for antibodies attached to red blood cells