Question words Flashcards
Who are you?
Qui êtes-vous?
Who is that?
Qui est-ce?
Who is she?
Qui est-elle?
Who is coming?
Qui vient?
Whom do you like?
Qui aimez-vous?
What are you doing?
Que faites-vous?Qu’est-ce que vous faites?
Whom are they inviting?
Qui invitent-ils?
What are they eating?
Que mangent-ils?Qu’est-ce qu’ils mangent?
What is your address?
Quelle est votre adresse?
What is your name?
Quel est votre nom?Comment vous appelez-vous?
How are you?
Comment allez-vous?
How is he?
Comment va-t-il?
What is he like?
Comment est-il?
How are you traveling?
Comment voyagez-vous?
What time is it?
Quelle heure est-il?
What’s the weather like?
Quel temps fait-il?
Where are they going?
Où vont-ils?
Where do you work?
Où travaillez-vous?
Why do you like cats?
Pourquoi aimez-vous les chats?
How many cats do you have?
Combien de chats avez-vous?
How much is it?
C’est combien?
When are you leaving?
Quand partez-vous?
When is the party?
Quand est la fête?
What time is class?
A quelle heure est la class?