Question Types Flashcards
Requirements for Research Question or Hypothesis
At a suitable scale, capable of research, clearly defined e.g. To what extent is infiltration rates higher in Site A than in Site B?, More than 50% of the elderly residents living in the Joo Chiat constituency agree that accessibility to healthcare services has improved after the opening of XYZ pharmacy and ABC clinic a year ago
Develop a Plan for the Investigation
Establish the data needed, identify appropriate methods to collect data, research ethics, minimise potential risk of causing harm/danger to personal safety
Collect Data
Accuracy of data (quality of measuring equipment/ instrument, skill of the researcher e.g. human error, external conditions e.g. weather conditions)
Reliability of data (consistency of findings/if data is representative e.g. sample size, sample sites, frequency and timing of investigation)
Present and Analyse Data
Appropriate methods of data representation e.g. histogram (comparison of variables across time), with title, labels, and accuracy of proportion represented
Limitations affecting ease of visualizing the relationships between variables, change/trends over time, comparison of trends across sites, distribution of data
Evaluate and Communicate Findings
Suitability of methods used to collect data
Usefulness / Sufficiency of data collected (what other data is required to respond to the RQ/hypothesis?)
Limitations and suggest improvements