Question Strategy Flashcards
find loophole and find loophole in answer choices
find loophole, think of something that plugs the loophole, look for this in answer choice
look for loophole and then aggressively make sure loophole 100% cannot work by building bridge from premises to conclusion
sufficient assumption
find controversy, gaslight self into thinking like first speaker, and then attack second speaker
do not choose inference in answer, look for something that is incompatible with stimulus world, don’t fall for answer choices that introduce new terms
find loophole, look for something that asks if the loophole is true in answer choices
the R in CLIR
bracket the conclusion and translate it
find the inference and choose it (basic is good)
use inference to find ambitious approx of it - does this pretty much have to be true?
most strongly supported (MSS)
use the inference to finish the stimulus
fill in
find controversy, analyze respective speakers’ opinions on controversy
eliminate any choices with controversy, find something that you can infer both speakers think is true, consider respective speakers’ opinions
find loophole, negate it, look for it in answer choices
use loophole or controversy and find an answer choice that describes this
bracket phrase mentioned in question stem, identify argyment part, find approximation of argument part
argument part
find loophole formed around classic flaw and find an answer choice that describes this
classic flaw
find loophole, find answer choices that says argument disregarded loophole
loophole flaw