Question Pt 8 Flashcards
Specific performance: When money damages would be inadequate to compensate the X party, the court may order specific performance, compelling the defendant to transfer ownership of property, or accomplishing the transfer by court order.
A. Aggrieved
B. Lost
C. Happy
D. Retreat
Injunction: Compelling a defendant to perform a services contract is not as easy to enforce; therefore, instead of ordering a defendant to X, a court may instead enjoin them from certain other actions, such as working for plaintiff’s competitors.
A. Perform
B. Reform
C. Form
D. Request
Replevin: Replevin is specific performance for goods; the buyer may replevy unique goods from the X in certain circumstances, such as when the buyer has been unable to obtain substitute goods.
A. Buyer
B. Seller
C. Fire
D. Vendee
Constructive trust: An X restitutionary remedy forcing a defendant to convey title to property unjustly held.
Constructive trust: An X restitutionary remedy forcing a defendant to convey title to property unjustly held.
A. Legal
B. Equitable
C. Tort
D. Real
Equitable lien: Defendant may have a lien imposed on their property because of a X owed to plaintiff.
A. Pet
B. Debt
C. Rest
D. Request
Laches: The plaintiff X bringing an action and this prejudiced the defendant.
A. Retarded
B. Delayed
C. Consented
D. Requested
Unclean hands: The plaintiff is X of wrongdoing in the transaction in question.
A. Free
B. Guilty
C. Mighty
D. Right
Sale to X purchaser: The defendant purchased in good faith.
A. mala fide
B. bona fide
C. bona fides
D. fide
Bona fide
Restitution for the breaching party: It is now recognized that even though the breaching party is at fault, preventing recovery for the breaching party would create a forfeiture for them and a windfall for the non-breaching party.
A. Fulfillment
B. Forfeiture
C. Forfait
D. Fait accompli
Therefore, restitution may be available for any part performance X the breach; the remedy would have to be restitution for unjust enrichment, not breach of contract, because the party seeking the remedy is the one in breach and cannot show a breach by the other party.
Therefore, restitution may be available for any part performance X the breach; the remedy would have to be restitution for unjust enrichment, not breach of contract, because the party seeking the remedy is the one in breach and cannot show a breach by the other party.
A. After
B. Before
C. During
D. Meanwhile
After a contract is formed, one party (assignor) may assign their X under the contract to a third party (assignee), who now has contract rights against the other original party (promisor or obligor).
A. rights
B. Lights
C. Services
D. Rats
A contract can contain terms limiting or prohibiting assignment; in addition, if the assignment would materially change the obligor’s circumstances, assignment is not permitted; rights to certain X cannot be assigned.
A. Personal services
B. Real services
C. Personnel services
D. Gas services
Personal services
After a contract is formed, one party (X) may delegate their duties under the contract to a third party (delegee); the delegor is still secondarily responsible to the original promisee for their contract duties should the delegee fail to perform; however, the delegor has recourse against the delegee for their failure to perform.
A. Delegee
B. Delegor
C. Delegate
D. Delegation
A contract may be formed between two parties for the benefit of a X; a life insurance contract is a common contract with a third party beneficiary. Any intended third party beneficiary can enforce the contract against the promisor.
A. Other party
B. Third party
C. Many parties
D. Tierce
Third party
Expectation: “to put the plaintiff in the position he would have been in had the contract been performed” = benefit of the bargain / profits.
own performance
Value of Defendant’s promised performance (contract price) - benefits received by the plaintiff for not having to complete his X.
A. other performance
B. own performance
C. opter performance
D. oyster performance
Own performance
Reliance damages: “to put the plaintiff in as good a position as he was in before the contract was made” = X costs
A. down the river
B. out of the pocket
C. bride money
D. hands in the pocket
Out of the pocket
Reliance damages: three cases: - impossibility to measure the expectation interest (profit too speculative) OR X in land contract OR - promissory estoppel
A. Vendee
B. Vendor
C. Vador
D. Creator