question bank vocab Flashcards
What does Dogmatic mean?
Believing strongly that their principles and opinions are true, often without considering evidence or other opinions.
What does Subsumed mean?
Included or absorbed into something larger or more comprehensive.
What does Animosities mean?
Strong feelings of hostility or dislike.
What does Entrenching mean?
Establishing firmly or securely, often making it difficult to change.
What does Prefiguring mean?
Indicating or suggesting something in advance; foreshadowing.
What does Inevitable mean?
Certain to happen; unavoidable.
What does Subversive mean?
Intended to undermine or overthrow established systems or institutions.
What does Supplementary mean?
Added to enhance, complete, or support something.
What does ‘Capricious’ mean?
Fickle; shifting moods or behavior, unpredictable
What does ‘Boorish’ mean?
Vulgar, crude; lacking manners or refinement
What does ‘Circumspect’ mean?
Cautious, careful, thinking carefully about potential risks or consequences
What does ‘Deleterious’ mean?
Harmful, injurious, causing damage or harm
What does ‘Diatribe’ mean?
A bitter verbal attack, strong criticism or condemnation
What does ‘Exhort’ mean?
To strongly encourage, urge someone to take action
What does ‘Halcyon’ mean?
Idyllically calm and tranquil, peaceful and serene, often used to describe a past time
What does ‘Incontrovertible’ mean?
Indisputable, beyond doubt, not open to question
What does ‘Intrepid’ mean?
Fearless, undaunted, showing courage and determination in the face of danger
What does verisimilitude mean?
The appearance or semblance of truth, realism, or reality in art or literature.
What does consummate mean?
Highly skilled, perfect, or complete in every detail.
What is an idiosyncrasy?
A distinctive characteristic or habit unique to an individual.
What does ineffable mean?
Too great, beautiful, or extreme to be described or expressed in words.
What does irreverent mean?
Showing a lack of respect for things generally taken seriously or sacred.
What does obstinate mean?
Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action despite attempts to persuade.
What does prosaic mean?
Lacking imagination or creativity, dull, or mundane.
What does sanguine mean?
Optimistically confident or hopeful, especially in difficult situations.
What does solicitous mean?
Showing concern, care, or attentiveness towards others’ well-being.