Question Bank Flashcards
Which ephedrine products are exempt from rx requirement
-Bronc-ease plus
-bronchodilator and expectorant
-Efedron nasal jelly
-Mini thins
-Pazo hemorrhoid
-Primatene, primatene M or P
What must go on Rx for an animal
-name of animal
Intern hours
-complete within 18 months of graduation
-report within 30 days after completion
-documentation must include supervising Rphs eval and intern site eval
Who determines fee for Rph license
The secretary
Exempt pediatric PSE products
peds products intended for admin in children under 12 and are:
-solid dosage forms that don’t exceed 15 mg per unit or per 5 mL
-intended for under 2 yrs old and dose doesn’t exceed 2 mL and total pack doesn’t exceed one ounce
These have less than 25 mg per unit and are combos. Others can get exempted if they meet this criteria and give the commission samples in standard packaging and receives approval
Conditions for medical cannabis
-n/v and cachexia associated with cancer, HIV, AIDS, hep C, anorexia and their txs
-severe muscle spasms from MS, epilepsy, and seizure/spastic d/os
-Acute or chronic glaucoma
-intractable pain
-Traumatic brain injury
Manufacturer distributing drug samples records
-inventory of samples held in the state at least annually by a rep other than the indivisible in direct control of samples
-documents of samples signed for, destroyed, returned
-reports of lost or stolen
-keep for 2 yrs
-manufacturers report loss/theft not later than close of business day next day
-report name, address, and registration of physicians who’ve received samples
-quarantine exp samples
Schedule for precursors
Any practitioner who writes the FIRST RX for opioid to any pt must discuss what?
-risk of dependence and OD
-non-pharm and non-opioid
-written copy of warning language provided by the department
-Other professional can have the convo
-Document this is chart
-not applicable to cancer pain, hospice/pal care
Cannabis is what and is not what?
-seeds and resin extract from abd part of plant
Is not mature stalks, fiber, oil or cake made from seeds, hemp or seeds for hemp
How many retail cannabis licensed can someone have?
Who shall keep the CDTA agreement?
On file with the commission and their practice location (pharmacy)
Commission approved technician training programs
-accreditation council for pharmacy education
-pharmacy tech certification board
-the us armed forces
Rph liability
-breach of an express warranty made by Rph
-intentional misrepresentation of facts about product or concealment of info
At what dose must you give naloxone with opioid (or to a high risk pt)
50 MME/ day MEDD
Who do opioid prescribing rules not apply to?
-cancer pain
-pal care
-end of life
Thc threshold for c1
> 0.3%
When is prospective DUR not required?
-inpatient in institution including LTCF
-dispensed by medical practitioner
-Rph dispensed to medical practitioner who will admin to pt
Does oxygen require and order/Rx?
Yes even though it’s not considered a drug