Question 3 Flashcards
3a) Two health care services provided by the public sector that Zoe may use
1) GP practice
2) Community health service
3b) Two ways the support worker can make sure Zoe is not discriminated against
1) Follow polis and prods - ensure Zoe is treated equally
2) Challenge discrimination - Zoe feels valued and included
3c) How health and social care staff can support Zoe to be independent
1) Provide equipment and adaptation
2) Involve Zoe in care and support planning
3) Provide an advocate
4) Liaise with other other professionals
3d) How professionals should manage personal information about Zoe
1) Follow Polis and prods
2) Adhere to legislation
3) Maintain confidentiality to safeguard Zoe
4) Gain consent for sharing information
5) Respect Zoe’s rights
6) Follow codes of professional conduct