Quel Temps Fait-il? Flashcards
Il fait très beau ici
The weather is very nice here.
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Le soleil brille tous les jours
The sun shines every day.
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Le soleil brille, le ciel est bleu, que demander de plus?
The sun shines, the sky is blue, what more could you ask for?
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Malheureusement, je n’aime pas le temps ici
Unfortunately, I do not like the weather here.
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C’est la canicule
It’s a heatwave.
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Il fait trop chaud!
It’s too hot!
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Le soleil tape fort
The sun is beating down.
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J’ai attrapé un coup de soleil!
I got a sunburn!
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Il fait froid ici
It is cold here.
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Il a neigé hier matin et il gèle aujourd’hui
It snowed yesterday morning and it’s freezing today.
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Il neige chaque jour, c’est bon pour le ski!
It snows everyday, it’s good for skiing!
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Je dois porter des vêtements chauds
I must wear warm clothes.
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Malheureusement, il pleut
Unfortunately, it is raining.
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