Quaternary Period Flashcards
How does quaternary period relate to climate change
• The Quaternary period (the last 2.6 million yrs) has been dominated by long cold, glacial cycles separated by short, warm interglacials.
Major timescales
• Cenozoic climate change – long term geological context
• Quaternary Period (2.6 Ma to present day). show regular & frequent climate fluctuations
• The Holocene (c. 11.5 ka to present day)
Drivers of climate change: How does climate work on Quaternary timescales
• ‘Forcing function’
- Is a mechanism that causes a system to change from its equilibrium state.
- driven by perturbations in the earth-atmosphere system
• External forcing: extra-terrestrial/non-earth processes e.g. solar output & orbital patterns
• Internal forcing: driven by earth processes e.g. albedo, ocean currents, GHG’s
positive feedbacks (amplifies changes in the climate system)
negative feedbacks (counter changes within a system)
How & when did we get into a glacial global climate?
• Increased global volcanism
• First evidence of widespread glaciation (esp. in N. Hemisphere) = deep ocean cores reveal larger & more persistent volumes of ice-rafted debris at c.2.6Ma BP
• Cores also show increase in volcanic ash from 2.6Ma = increased global volcanism
SO2 aerosols (increase in earth’s albedo?)
The pattern and nature of Quaternary climate change
• There are very distinctive patterns/cycles in Quaternary climate records
• Climate cycle periodicity (rhythm)
• - 41,000yrs prior to ~800ka BP
- 100,000yrs after 800ka BP
• Intensification of glaciation since 800ka BP = Mid-Pleistocene Transition
• Why the change in rhythm at 800ka BP?
• The cycles are driven by orbital forcing (external forcing) which is controlled by our relationship to the sun
How does Orbital forcing cause climate change - Milankovitch theory
• Main premise = changes in intensity of seasons in Northern Hemisphere (NH) control ice sheet inception & decay
• NH high latitude summer temps key to the onset of glaciation. If cold enough winter snows would not completely melt & would grow into glaciers.
• Earth’s distance from the sun varies seasonally
- perihelion (nearest in NH winter)
- aphelion (furthest away in NH summer)
Milankovitch cycle
Eccentricity: (100ka & 400ka) Change in shape of Earth’s orbit from circular to elliptical
= 0.03% max change in annual insolation receipt. Dominant post 800ka.
-Obliquity: (41ka) - Change in tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation from 21.8o-24.4o
Larger differences between seasons as tilt increases. Dominant pre 800ka.
-Precession: (23ka & 19ka) - Wobble of Earth on its axis due to gravitational attraction of sun & moon. Alters timing & variability of seasons.
Oxygen isotopes - principles
• Every element has a number of protons which give it a unique atomic number (e.g. oxygen = 8)
• Every element also has a number of neutrons, which give it an atomic weight, BUT, this number can vary
• Oxygen can have 7, 8, 9 or 10 neutrons, which (added to the number of protons) gives isotopes of mass 15O, 16O, 17O, 18O
• These isotopes are heavier (e.g. 18O) or lighter (15O) than each other
Oxygen isotope analysis - principles
• Variations in the ratio of 16O & 18O indicate changing isotopic composition of ocean waters between glacials & interglacials
• 16O/18O ratio in seawater is largely controlled by fluctuations in land-ice volume. Down-core variations record glacial/interglacial climatic oscillations
• Glacial: 16O is evaporated from water more easily. Hence ocean waters are relatively enriched in 18O while ice sheet relatively enriched in 16O.
• Interglacial: melting ice sheets returned more 16O to the ocean
Oxygen isotope records
• Our record of glacier ice volume through time comes from analysis of marine microfossils in ocean floor sediments & ice cores
• Glacial = 16O depletion in ocean & enrichment in ice
• Interglacial = 16O enrichment in ocean & depletion in ice
• Analysis of marine sediment cores from the worlds ocean basins provides us with a coherent record of long term climate change
‘Proxy’ data sources:Biogenic sediments
Biogenic sediments form from the skeletal remains of calcareous organisms (e.g., planktonic & benthic foraminifera –microfossils)
i) record isotopic balance of the water they inhabited(related to water temp & salinity)
ii) relative abundance
iii) morphology/species
iv) preservation
Proxy data sources: ) inorganic/terrigenous sediment and ice rafted debris (IRD)
• Increases during glaciations & provides a deep-sea record of ice sheet fluctuations
Ice cores – what can they tell us?
• Temp:. ( 18O)(basis for correlation with marine record)
• Gas content of atmosphere :(CO2, CH4 in bubbles in the ice)
• Dust (particles): Past aeolian activity & marker horizons.
• Volcanic eruptions :(sulphur; tephra)
• Annual layers: (dating technique)
interstadials/stadials within glacial/interglacial cycles
• What drives them?
• Some appear to have a cyclity during the last cold stage (80–20ka BP).
• Temperature changes of 7˚C between warm & cold stages. Abrupt start; more gradual decline (saw-tooth pattern)
• Particularly prevalent in the Greenland ice core records
Sub-Milankovitch Climate Change
• Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles / D–O events – rapid climate fluctuations during the last cold stage; ~20 in number, with a periodicity between 1000-2000 yrs. First discovered by Willi Dansgaard in the 1970s and written off as ‘noise’
• Bond cycles – longer term cooling cycles 1,000-15,000 years long during the last cold stage - long cooling cycles & abrupt warming (Bond cycles)
• Heinrich events – marked by layers rich in ice-rafted debris (IRD) in marine sediment cores, which record massive iceberg discharges (binge/purge cycles of ice sheets; MacAyeal, 1992) with a ~cyclic occurrence. H’ Events tend to coincide with the end (cold phase) of Bond Cycles. Sediment is brought into teh ocean via ice sheets that cause a cooling and less salinity.
Sub-milankovitch forcing
• There are multiple factors that drive/influence these sub-milankovitch changes. The include ocean circulation, atmospheric circulation, ice/fresh water flux to the ocean; ice sheet growth and collapse
-hypothesized the long-term, collective effects of changes in Earth’s position relative to the Sun are a strong driver of Earth’s long-term climate
-high frequency climate changes