Quarterly Exam- Geography Ls-3,4,5,6 Flashcards
Define a rock.
Pg 53
What is the difference between Rocks and Minerals?
Pg 53
What are the three states of matter on our planet earth?
Pg 53
What are different types of Magma?
Pg 54
What are the examples of acidic and basic igneous rocks?
Acidic igneous rock- granite
Basic igneous - gabbro
What are the examples of Plutonic and Hypabassal rocks?
Plutonic rocks- Gabbro, Granite,, Batholith
Hypabassal rocks- Sill, Dyke
Name the igenous rocks other than intrusive ingeous rocks.
Batholith, Sill, Dyke, Laccolith
What are the examples of extrusive igneous rocks.
Basalt, Gabbro and Obsidian.
What minerals are found in igenous rocks?
Gold, silver, Zinc, Lead, aluminium, manganese, mica
What is denudation?
Pg 55,53
What are examples of calcareous rocks?
Limestone and chalk
Rock salf is formed by evaporation in ____lakes.
When was the carboniferous period?
36-86 years ago.
What are the causes of metamorphic rocks?
Pg 58
What are the characteristics of metamorphic rocks?
Pg 57