Quarter 3, Module 1 Flashcards
Introduces the character and setting
Something changes; the characters meet a challenge or crisis
Rising Actiob
The turning point and most exciting part of a story
Events that follow as a result of the climax
Falling Action
The end that occurs after a conflict is resolved and a
character has changed
Resolution (Denouement)
The main character whose journey we follow throughout the story
Sometimes known as the foil, the character whose goals come up against the
protagonist’s, leading to conflict
A character who changes as a result of the events in the story
Dynamic Character
A character who does not change during the course of a story
Static Character
Where and when a story occurs can affect what characters do, how the plot unfolds, and
whether the reader can connect with the author’s choices
The time period and
physical place don’t affect the plot in a major way.
Backdrop Setting
A time and/or place that directly affects the plot
Integral Setting
The driving force of a good story
The story’s “big idea” or underlying message about life
storytelling is/should:
uses actions such as vocalization, physical movement and or gesture