Quantum Physics Flashcards
What is meant by a photon?
It is a quantum(definite) amount of energy of electromagnetic radiation.
Energy = hf = hc/Λ How is hf = hc/Λ derived?
v = fΛ Since v is the speed of light, represented by c as a photon is a quantum if energy of electromagnetic radiation, f= c/Λ
The least amount of energy an em radiation of frequency f can have is _____.
Hf, the energy of one photon
Derive rate of emission of photons given : Power = P Speed of light = c Wavelength of light = Λ
Using P = E/t Number of photons emitted per second = 1/t = dn/dt = P/E = PΛ/hc n is the number of photons
Electrons are released from the surface if the metal when ______.
The frequency of the incident electromagnetic radiation has a frequency higher than the threshold frequency of the metal.
Define work function.
It is the minimum energy necessary to release an electron from the surface of the emitter material.
Threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of the electromagnetic radiation, below which, _____.
No photoelectric will be emitted regardless of intensity of the radiation
Stopping potential is the minimum_____.
Potential difference between the emitter and the collector which stood the most energetic photo electron
Why is KEmax = eVs?
Stopping potential is the minimum potential difference the emitter and the collector which stops the most energetic photoelectron. 1ev is the amount of kinetic energy an electron attains when it accelerates in a potential difference of 1v. The most energetic photoelectron is the one with the highest KE (because of higher f). Hence stopping potential difference required is Vs to stop it. Why it is multiplied by e: Change in energy = q x change in v
According to the quantum theory, light has a ______.
Particle nature.
Why is there a range of kinetic energies of emitted photoelectrons for each metal even if the incident photons have the same frequency?
When a photon collides with an electron in a one to one interaction, the electron can escape if hf > work function. Max KE the electron can have is equal to hf - work function if it is emitted from the surface. For collisions below the surface, work is done by the electron to reach the surface before it can be emitted. Hence the KE of such an emitted electron is less than the max KE. the electrons will therefore be emitted with a range of KE.
Why are photoelectrons emitted instantaneously as Long as incident frequency is above threshold frequency?
Electron emission is due to the direct interaction between one photon and one electron, which absorbs all photon energy at an instant or none at all. If the energy absorbed us greater than work function, the electron may escape from the surface instantaneously.
Why is maximum KE of photoelectrons dependent on the frequency of the incident em radiation but independent on the intensity of the radiation?
Vs = KEmax Increasing frequency of light increases the energy of each photon as E = hf. As electrons are emitted from the one to one interaction where the electron absorbs all the photon energy or none at all, the maximum KE of the photoelectrons will increase. Therefore a larger stopping potential is required to reduce the photocurrent to zero. However, increasing the light intensity simply increases the number of photons falling on the metal per unit time, resulting in an increase in emission of photoelectrons and hence photocurrent I due to one to one interaction. The incident photons still impart the same amount of energy hf to every electron as f is constant. Hence the Probability of emission is the same. Hence the maximum kinetic energy and stopping potential do not change.
Why does V increase when the photocurrent I is increased?
As hf >/= work function, electrons are emitted in all directions. And at certain p.d., not all electrons emitted reaches C. As V increases, electrons experience larger E force so more electrons can reach C. (Because e force is in the direction of potential difference?) Thus, photocurrent increases.
Why is there a saturation photocurrent when V is increased further?
After a certain maximum p.d. , all emitted electrons have reached C so photocurrent is at its max.
When VE> VC (negative V?), why does the photo current gradually decrease to zero?
Reverse potential difference results in a decelerating force on electrons Travelling towards c. Those with smaller speeds are unable to reach c. At the Vs, no photoelectrons reaches c as the photoelectrons with maximum KE will stop before reaching C.
Explain why photocurrent is directly proportional to intensity of incident radiation using both the wave theory and quantum theory.
Wave theory: intensity increases –> more energy absorbed by electrons –> more would be emitted and hence higher photocurrent. Quantum theory: intensity increases –> number of photons increases proportionally –> more photoelectrons emitted –> higher photocurrent. Probability of emission depends on energy of incident photons.
Explain hf = work function + eVs Hf = photon energy eVs = work done by the field to stop the most energetic electron from reaching the collector.
By the principle of conservation of energy, hf is converted to work done to emit the electron from the surface plus work fine by the field to stop the most energetic electron from reaching the conductor.
In a graph of Vs against f graph, what is the significance of the gradient and intercept?
hf = work function + eVs Vs = h/e f - h/e f0 (f0 is the threshold frequency) Gradient = h/e Intercept = h/e f0
In a Vs against f graph, what will happen when: A) intensity increases B) work function increases
A) position of the graph remains the same since the same amount of energy hf is imparted to every electron because frequency of light is constant. Hence, maximum Ke of photoelectrons and hence Vs do not change. B) graph shifts right since work function = hf0
Explain the process that causes the rate of emission of electrons to decrease when the frequency increases but intensity remains the same.
Rate of emission of electrons(and hence photocurrent) = p/hf = E/hft (Intensity should remain the same as it is directly proportional to photocurrent so it will affect photocurrent)
What is the difference between intensity and power?
Power is the energy emitted per unit time while intensity is the number of photons transferred per unit time.
If the rate of emission of electrons to decrease when the frequency increases, why can the photo current increase as f increases when intensity is the same?
Photon energy(E increases more than f increases) is higher and hence the quantum efficiency is increased.
For a particle if momentum p (or mv) that exhibits the wave behaviour, it will have an associated wavelength, the de Broglie wavelength given by _____.
Wavelength = h/p For a photon, the associated momentum p can be determined by : p = h/wavelength Photons have no mass but have momentum.
Why can wave behaviour be observed in electrons?
The de Broglie wavelength of an electron is in the order of magnitude 10^-10m which is comparable to the interacting spacing in any Latrice structure. Hence the electron diffracts significantly and forms an interference pattern.
Why is wave behaviour not observed in ordinary objects?
Ordinary objects have a large mass and hence large momentum, and hence the de Broglie wavelength is very small and cannot be measured so the wave behaviour cannot be observed.
Why are the electron diffraction patterns concentric rings of varying diameters instead of a 1-D series if bright spots?
The graphite film has a 2-D regular arrangement of carbon atoms. Diffraction is significant if wavelength is comparable to slit opening. As de Broglie wavelength of electron is comparable (when appropriate accelerating p.d. Is applied) to the separation between graphene atoms, diffraction is significant and interference can take place.
Why is the spacing between the concentric rings less in an electron diffraction pattern when potential difference increases?
De Broglie wavelength = h/p = h/mv V increases as p.d. Increases, de Broglie wavelength of each electron decreases. Since interatomic spacing of carbon atoms in graphene film is constant and as dsin theta = nlambda(in waves), a decrease in de Broglie wavelength will lead to a smaller spacing between concentric rings.
How does an electron transition into different energy levels?
By losing energy by emitting a photon of frequency f (higher to lower) or gaining energy by absorbing a photon of frequency f (lower to higher) EH -EL = hf
An electron can transition into a lower energy level due to:
- Spontaneous emission 2: stimulated emission
An electron can transit into a higher energy level in an atom by:
- Collision with another energetic atom or fast moving electron 2. Absorbing energy by heating 3. Spontaneous absorption of a photon (the difference in energy levels must match exactly the energy of the photon)
Name the differences in emission line spectra and absorption line spectra.
Emission line spectra have coloured lines corresponding to a particular frequency or wavelength of photons emitted while absorption line spectra have dark lines which do so. Formation of emission: gas atoms are excited, photons are emitted Formation of absorption: gas atoms are in Ground state, photons are absorbed
Explain the existence of a continuous spectrum and cut-off wavelength in X-ray Spectra.
- A fast moving electron of energy Ko collides with one of the atoms in the heavy metal e.g. tungsten or copper.
- The electron loses a fraction of its energy to produce an X-ray of photon energy hf and is scattered at at an angle.
- Since different electrons experience different losses in energy, the photons generated due to the collisions of different electrons have different energies and thus different frequencies and wavelengths.
- The difference wavelengths form the continuous spectrum of X-ray radiation.
How is the loss in KE of bombarding electrons derived?
- (1/2 mv2 - 1/2 mu2)*
- = 1/2 mu2 - 1/2 mv2*
where u is the initial velocity and v is the final velocity of the electron and m is the mass of the electron
Note: this is loss in energy and not change in energy so it is -(1/2 mvfinal2 - 1/2mvinitial2).
How is cut-off wavelength of X-ray spectra derived from the energy loss in KE of the bombarding electron?
- energy of photon = loss in KE of bombarding electron*
- = -(1/2 mv2 - 1/2 mu2)*
- = 1/2 mu2 - 1/2 mv2*
where u is the initial velocity and v is the final velocity of the electron and m is the mass of the electron
The cut-off wavelength is the minimum wavelength λmin. for λ to be minimum, f is the maximum since f = v/**λ. Thus we consider the maximum energy hf.
If the electron loses all its KE, v = 0
- maximum energy of photon = hfmax = KE of electron = 1/2 mu2 = qV since all electrons carry qV of energy.*
- hfmax = qV*
- hc/λmin = qV*
- λmin = hc/qV*
How are X-rays produced?
A beam of high energy (KE) electrons strikes on a heavy metal target, causing X-rays to be emitted.
The electrons are obtained by heating a fillament,causing it to emit electrons and a potential difference between the filament and the anode (copper mounted on the target of very high potential)
This causes the electrons to accelerate and attain a high velocity and thus KE.
When the energy of the beam of electrons striking the metal target increases (via increase in potential difference), how is the X-ray spectrum affected?
Relative intensity increases at all points but the Kα and Kß has the same wavelength.
Explain the characteristic spectrum of heavy metals.
When the bombarding electron has sufficient energy, it knocks a deep-lying electron near the nucleus out of the inner shell of that atom, creating a hole in the K-shell, defined by n=1.
An electron of higher energy falls to the K-shell to fill the gap, emitting an X-ray photon in the process.
Since the emitted X-ray photons have precise energies which are varying, they form a characteristic spectrum of x-ray radiation for that metal.
Explain how how the Kα and Kß come about.
When the bombarding electron has sufficient energy, it knocks a deep-lying electron near the nucleus out of the inner shell of that atom, creating a hole in the K-shell, defined by n=1.
An electron of higher energy falls to the K-shell to fill the gap, emitting an X-ray photon in the process.
If the electron falls from the L-shell (defined as n=2), the emitted radiation gives a Kα line.
If the electron falls from the M-shell (defined as n=3), the emitted radiation gives a Kß line.
State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
In general, neither the position nor the momentum of a particle can be determined simultaneously with great precision.
ΔxΔp ≥ h/(4π)
where Δx is the uncertainty in the position of the particle and Δp is the uncertainty in the momentum of the particle.
Note: These uncertainties are inherent in a particle and not due to the uncertainties of measuring instruments.
Explain the significance of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in determing the location and energy of an electron.
Δx is the region the electron is confined within, which is roughly the width of a typical atom so the electron can be anywhere in that region.
By finding Δp, the KE can be determined using KE = 1/2 mv2 and p = mv. Using the uncertainty principke, the energy of the electron can be determined to a reasonable order of magnitude.
Discuss using the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to explain why there must be some molecular motion even at T = 0K or absolute zero.
A state of no molecular motion would mean that every molecule was at rest (Δp=0) at a fixed position (Δx=0).
But the uncertainty principle says that the product of the two uncertainties has to be a minimum of h/(4π) and hence can never be zero. Thus there must be some molecular motion.
State the time-energy uncertainty principle.
ΔEΔt ≥ h/(4π)
The uncertainty ΔE depends on the time interval Δt the system remains in the given state.
The time-energy undertainty principle implies that the greater the time interval, the ____ the energy uncertainty.
ΔEΔt ≥ h/(4π)
hence the anser is smaller.
Given ΔE, E and λ, determine Δλ. Where Δλ is the wavelength spread.
- Differentiate E= hc/λ. Result: ΔE/Δλ = -hc*(1/λ2)
- By multiplying Δλ and 1/E on both sides, we get: ΔE/E = Δλ/λ
- Substitute the values of ΔE, E and λ.
What is the probability density distribution of a wave function?
It is the square of the wave function (ψ2)
What is a potential barrier?
It is the potential energy barrier Uo where Uo > E of the electron, where it will not be able to pass through and will bounch back.
The wave function ψ describes the _____ of the electron.
How does an electron appear on the other side of a potential barrier?
An electron is a matter wave(?) and has a wave function. Thus there is a possibility of the electron appearing on the other side of a barrier with a smaller amplitude. This is beacuse there is a small probability of |ψ2|(non- zero) for an electron to be on the other side
What happens to the amplitude of an electron in the barrier?
It decreases exponentially.
After tunnelling through the barrier, the electron has the same _____, _____ and _____.
Energy, wavelength, momentum
What is the transmission coefficient and how is it related to reflection coefficient?
Transmission coefficent T is the probability that the particle penetrates the potential barrier and reflection coefficient R is the probability of the particle being reflected by the potential barrier. T + R = 1
When does the relationship T ∝ e-2kd apply approximately?
d is the barrier thickness and k= √([8π2m(U-E)]/h2) where m is the mass of the particle and (U - E) is energy difference, which is the work function of the metal.
For a high or wide barrier, where kd << 1.
What is the significance of T in the relationship T ∝ e-2kd being exponential?
T is very sensitive to change in mass m and energy difference/work function (U-E) (since k= √([8π2m(U-E)]/h2), and barrier thickness d.
How does the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) work in terms of quantum tunnelling?
The gap between the needle-like probe and the metallic specimen acts as a potential barrier. When a potential difference is applied at the tip, electrons tunnel between the tip and surface produccing an electric tunnelling current across the gap.
Magnitude of the tunneling current is extremely sensitive to the distance between between the probe and metal so it is monitored as the tip moves across the metal surface.
I ∝ e-2kd
In T ∝ e-2kd, what is k and d?
k is the reciprocoal of the decay length and d is the barrier thickness.
k= √([8π2m(U-E)]/h2)
Name and describe an example of quantum tunneling in nature.
The alpha-decay of Uranium isotope.
In the radioactive decay of U-238, an alpha particle (emitted particle) is ejected from the nucleus with large kinetic energy. The potential energy barriers are the strong nuclear force if the particle is in the nucleus or the repulsive coulomb force after it is outside the nucleus.
The energy of the alpha particle within the nucleus is smaller than the potential energy barrier, but but it is able to tunnel out of the nucleus, which has a barrier of 30 MeV, as a free particle with only 4 MeV.