Quantum Flashcards
How can the energy of a photon be expressed?
How can the momentum of a photon be expressed in terms of its wavelength?
What is the wave function of a particle?
The wave function is a complex probability distribution, that can be operated on the extract information about the particle.
What does it mean that the wave function should be normalised?
The total integral of (the complex conjugate of the wave function * the wave function) with respect to position should equal 1.
What is an operator useful for?
An operator for an observable allows the expectation value of that observable to be extracted from the wave function.
How can an operator be used to extract the expectation value of an observable?
The expectation value = the integral of (the complex conjugate of the wave function * the operator operating on the wave function)
What does h-bar denote?
h/2pi (where h is the planck constant)
What is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle?
The product of the standard deviation of position and the standard deviation of momentum for a particle is greater than or equal to h-bar / 2.
What is the energy-time uncertainty relation?
The product of the standard deviation of energy and the standard deviation of time is approx greater than h-bar.