quantum Flashcards
explain why current in photocell only if frequency is above a certain value(3)
- energy photon (1)
- greater than work function –so electrons emitted
effect on current of increased intensity radiation (2)
- current greater (more electrons emitted per second)
- increased intensity = more photons incident per second
work function
energy required to remove electron
minimum energy required to remove an electron from metal surface
comparing x rays and UV - what can be said ?
same element, photoelectrons emitted using x rays have greater max energy
when light incident on metal surface photo cell increasing intensity of illumination at surface leads to increase
in current through photocell
why emitted electrons have range kinetic energies up to a maximum
energy of photon is constant / fixed OR energy given to electron is fixed
energy required for electron to leave / escape / emit from the surface / metal
OR electron has to overcome work function
maximum kinetic energy is the energy of photon minus the work function
deeper electrons require energy to get to the surface OR have less Ek than surface electrons
effect of decreasing frequency of incident radiation while keeping intensity constant on emitted electrons (2)
-decrease energy photons
-decrease maximum kinetic energy electrons
effect on emitted electrons double intensity + freq constant (2)
- increase photons - increase in emitted electrons
- double number electrons emitted per second
why emitted electrons have range of ke to max 4
photons have energy dependent on frequency OR energy of photons constant
one to one interaction between photon and electron
Max KE = photon energy – work function in words or symbols
more energy required to remove deeper electrons
what must happen to validate new scientific theory (2)
theory makes predictions tested by repeatable/checked by other
scientists/peer reviewed (experiments) OR new evidence that is repeatable/
checked by other scientists/peer reviewed
why no photoelectric observed when potassium surface given positive charge (2)
surface attracts negative electron back to positive surface
photons have insufficient energy/energy required increased
explain why ke emitted has max value
hf is energy available / recieved from photons
energy required to remove electron varies
unit for work function
why if freq below certain value electrons not emitted (2)
- work function minimum energy to release electron
- below certain frequency energy PHOTON less than work function
when talking about freq/energy being less than work function always say
photons as well as electrons
when do E= hf its
in joules already
energy = 9.9x10-19 and light energy incident on each square mm of surface rate of 3x10-10 Js-1
number of photons per second = 3.0 × 10–10/9.9 × 10–19 (1)
number of photons per second = 3.0 × 108 (1)
time delay in liberating electron doesn’t occur - what happened with new evidence
light travels in quanta / photon
old theory rejected
state what is meant by threshold frequency
below a certain frequency (called the threshold frequency) no electrons emitted (1)
or minimum frequency for electrons to overcome work function
always say in frequency questions