Quantitiative Analysis For Business Flashcards
How can data be categorized?
Subjective or objective
Subjective data
Non- measurable - collected through surveys and interviews - opinion based
Objective data
Measurable - collected through observation or testing
Steps in quantitative analysis
- Define problem
- Develop mathematical model
- Prepare and input data
- Find best solution
- Test solution
- Analyze results
- Implement solution
Mediating variable
Explains the relationship between the dependent and independent variables
What are scatter diagrams used for?
To graph pairs of numbers to determine a relationship
Presents a number of choices and the likelihood of occurrence
Does subjective questions use open or close ended questions?
Gathering, organizing, and interpreting of numerical data
Inferential statistics
Tries to reach conclusions, generalizations and estimations based on a smaller sample population
Descriptive statistics
Only concerned with observed data
Non-numeric data
A form of data that that in text and are not used in calculations
Why do decision makers use quantitative analysis?
To identify and quantify alternatives and consequences
At what point during the decision making process should quantitative analysis be used?
At the beginning before the decision is made
For business quantitative analysis, is it a fact that only important data to be analyzed is financial data?
No, because all forms of performance metrics are used for a quantitative analysis
I know Business is confronted with different types of numbers, representing a business process, how can quantitative analysis be used?
It can make sense of the various numbers using the best technique